I really should get out from behind this computer more often. I have so much fun when I do.
So I caught the Spinto Band at Amoeba today. Started out kinda liking them, then liking them, and finally really, really liking them a whole lot. Yeah, I even bought the CD. (Thanks for the enviro-friendly packaging, guys! I appreciate that.) I'm even thinking of going to see them at Cafe du Nord

tonight. But since I saw them for free today, and will see them tomorrow with Arctic Monkeys for a mere $13 (thank you GAMH!), I kind of hate to pay $10 to see them tonight. Contrary to popular belief, I am not made of money. There is one guy on craigslist looking for a date to the show tonight. Maybe I'll look him up and at least save $2 on an advance ticket.
So March is my friend Kathy's birthday month (the official party was last night, plus drinks tomorrow on the actual day). She's Irish-born / Italian-adopted, so with St. Patrick's day in close proximity, she pretty much lays claim to March as an all-out excuse to drink the rest of us under the table. I'm a lightweight to begin with, so that's not hard. The thing that's killing me this year is, I said I'd meet for drinks tomorrow (her actually birthday) because the crew that works at the West Coast Since trading hours are EST, they start work at 5am and hit the bars by 2:15pm. Then I'm supposed to meet Larry and his 2 friends at the Hemlock Tavern at 7PM for a brew or two before the show. So I have to pace myself or I'll be under the table by the time the Arctic Monkeys come on. Yeah, it's not easy being me.

Craptastic cell phone pic of Spinto Band at Amoeba
p.s. - oh, NOW

you tell me!