I hope everybody enjoyed/survived whatever type of V-Day you set up for yourselves this year. If not, you've got 364 days to change things before next year. Don't wait until February 13th! (Those on cruise control can adjust as needed.)
I don't remember V-Day being such a hot button in peepville last year, but then I guess I was in Boston

(again) for the sci-fi marathon, so I may have missed any Valentine angst.
I know this was a particularly bad V-Day year for some, and that sucks. It's hard not to revisit the ghosts of Valentines past, but you might be surprised how your perspective may change over time. Or not. In any case, just remember -- the past does not have to dictate the future.
So I had a fun time at the Lovemakers show last night. As good a way as any to spend V-Day. I even got a pretty decent contact high from all the making out going on (haha). And the usual contact high goes without saying in SF.
They do put on a great show. Before the encore people were shouting "show us your dick!" He didn't oblige this time. Too bad! I'll have to take my own advice and work on incorporating that particular element into my life before next V-Day. ;-)
We were, however, rewarded with a great cover of the Cure's "A Forest." I still remember the heart-quickening moment of recognition the last time I heard them do it. What a great fucking song! I don't care how great some of the current bands are, my heart is still solidly set in the 80s.
Can I just tell you what a great venue GAMH

is? Looks exactly the same today as when it opened in 1907. I can't wait to see Supergrass, X, She Wants Revenge, Arctic Monkeys, and Snow Patrol there in the next few weeks. (Name-dropping especially for you,
(e:Ajay). ;-) )
And there are tons of restaurants in the vicinity to fit any taste or budget. Larry insisted on treating me to dinner and the show last night. He said it was because I drove him to an emergency ophthalmologist appointment Monday after he nearly poked his eye out. But I think it's just fun to treat someone on Valentine's day. It certainly was fun to be treated. Come to think of it, I'm really making out like a bandit this month since he's also treating me to Sister's of Mercy (nudge nudge, Ajay) because I drove him to pick up his new PC, monitor, printer and speakers.
Which reminds me, it was cool to drive by SF City Hall last night and see it lit up with pink/red lights under a huge full moon. Wish I'd had my camera.
Sure, it could be improved upon, but all in all a good V-Day. I try not to do the comparison thing with myself or anyone else. Although with perspective that can also be revealing. Yes, I think more mutual revealing just might be the thing to work on for next year. ;-)
Yaaaawnn... is there a Cliff Notes version of this somewhere?
Just teasing ya. I read the whole thing. Really. Especially the part about Cheney and Faux News.
j/k.. I agree with you that the amount of "heart" you put into a relationship counts for more than the amount of "wallet". However: if the heart's not there, the woman might as well take the wallet, thankyouverymuch... :-)
cheers to that.