Check it out - I can generate a map of reported crimes in my prospective 'hood.
It doesn't look that bad for two weeks.
Ok, one month doesn't look quite so good. I don't know. We're on the fence. But mostly because of the hoops we might have to jump through to take possession of the second unit. I mean, I like Steve and all but I don't want to have to marry or adopt him just to legally get two separate units. I mean, wouldn't married/related people WANT to live in the same unit more than unmarried/unrelated people? I'd really like to know who is making up these rules.
Don't know if it is weird or not, since I have no experance in real estate, but I wish you luck and hope everything goes well out there.
Maybe you should go in on it with him instead. Sounds like he is in the position to get deals.