Twisted's Journal
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10/28/2005 01:36 #36615
bad karma10/05/2005 23:05 #36612
negotiations proceedingI just signed and faxed our counter-counter offer, which is closer than we've gotten so far. I think I'm actually hoping we don't get this one, but I don't really have a good reason for that. So I'll let fate decide.
Meanwhile, I'm first runner up for my first choice (on my own). That's WAY closer than I thought I'd get. I'll know in two days if I get to wear the crown. I guess I'm just more comfortable buying on my own and not having to answer to anyone else.
And if that's not enough to keep track of, the offer date for my fallback property is tomorrow. I have an offer written up and ready to go. I'm really feeling like it's out of my hands whether I'll pull the trigger or not. Weird.
It would be good to have a place to call home come Oct 31st though. That much I know.
p.s. - hmmm, 17791 views in 1 year. That seems pretty good. I guess I was pretty prolific in the early days though, so that's prolly why.
Meanwhile, I'm first runner up for my first choice (on my own). That's WAY closer than I thought I'd get. I'll know in two days if I get to wear the crown. I guess I'm just more comfortable buying on my own and not having to answer to anyone else.
And if that's not enough to keep track of, the offer date for my fallback property is tomorrow. I have an offer written up and ready to go. I'm really feeling like it's out of my hands whether I'll pull the trigger or not. Weird.
It would be good to have a place to call home come Oct 31st though. That much I know.
p.s. - hmmm, 17791 views in 1 year. That seems pretty good. I guess I was pretty prolific in the early days though, so that's prolly why.
paul - 10/05/05 23:14
Ya, remember when you used to write all the time. Good luck on the house.
Ya, remember when you used to write all the time. Good luck on the house.
10/04/2005 23:20 #36611
3rd time's the charm?So Steve and I just wrote our third offer together. Keep your fingers crossed.
paul - 10/05/05 00:34
Good luck!
Good luck!
10/04/2005 00:34 #36610
Cheap Date09/30/2005 21:19 #36609
Is this weird?So, my house-buying partner's real estate agent is my new best friend. It seems weird because I have my own real estate agent who I've been working with since I moved here from Boston almost 5 years ago. But I am way closer to Steve's agent, Ron. I just talked to him for the 5th time today, and we're meeting for brunch Sunday before going to open houses together. Meanwhile, Steve and my agent are both out of town this weekend. (Not together though. As far as I know, that is.)
I just thought that was funny.
In other news, the sale on my house went through. The "for sale" sign was taken away today and I'm officially renting my own house for the next month. It would really suck to break something now and lose my $1500 security deposit.
I just thought that was funny.
In other news, the sale on my house went through. The "for sale" sign was taken away today and I'm officially renting my own house for the next month. It would really suck to break something now and lose my $1500 security deposit.
metalpeter - 10/01/05 19:52
Don't know if it is weird or not, since I have no experance in real estate, but I wish you luck and hope everything goes well out there.
Don't know if it is weird or not, since I have no experance in real estate, but I wish you luck and hope everything goes well out there.
paul - 10/01/05 15:28
Maybe you should go in on it with him instead. Sounds like he is in the position to get deals.
Maybe you should go in on it with him instead. Sounds like he is in the position to get deals.
Serves you right for using Windows! Switch to Linux, and bask in the sunshine of open-source goodness....
I had a virus today and similar bad thigns happend. Must be the zeitgeist.