So I just met the buyers of my house. They LOVE my fire chicken [inlink]twisted,134[/inlink] kitchen. Thank God!
The guy works at Absinthe

in the city. He says it's decorated just like my kitchen. Actually, I think my kitchen is a little too mainstream trendy - but I like it and I'm glad they like it.
So for the second time in like 2 weeks I was asked where the fuse panel is for my house. How am I supposed to know? Oh right, I guess I should. I didn't think it had fuses. But then they say they're looking for a subpanel or some damn thing. Honestly, I only want to know that sh!t on a need to know basis. Luckily I have not had to change a fuse in the 3.5 years I've lived here. If I can just make it another month and half - then it's their problem.
p.s. - I hope Mark is having fun at Burning Man
I've wanted to go for a few years now. I'd love to make my outfits. Next year - let's make it happen.
nice pics, i wanted to go to burning man SOO BAD but there is no way I could of afforded it. plus school started for me on the 29th. he is soo lucky i'm jealous ;)well there's always next year. maybe i can get prepared and contribute some art.