Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/23/2005 17:49 #36589
wild berries07/23/2005 18:05 #36588
Cameo role?If the craziest thing happens to you in the forest, and there's no high-speed connection by which you can document it ...
The Joy of Self-Exposure

Ok, obviously this whole p:mobl thing was just a ploy to get me to post. How am I supposed to resist that kind of pressure? (jk!)
(e:Mike) - you can't leave us with a cliffhanger [inlink]mike,359[/inlink] like that for long! I'm dying to know what happens. Maybe you can write in a part for Shana's long-lost cousin, once-removed, last seen heading West but never heard from again. Unbeknownst to her friends and family back home, she has been keeping tabs on them from afar. She hears of Shana's plight, and racked with guilt for abandoning her loved ones in their time of need, decides to make amends and unequivocably show her loyalty by sacrificing the 6 months she has left to live due to a fatal but non-communicable disease that thankfully does not affect any of the organs Shana needs transplanted in order to survive. In a heart-wrenching video enclosed with the bio-packed organs, the cousin professes her love for Shana and the others and assures them she is certain this was meant to be her destiny ever since she and Shana found out they were a perfect match when they registered for the bone marrow donor program when that kid in second grade was diagnosed with leukemia.
It's just one way you could go with it. I'd be happy to moblog the audition in for your consideration. Oh yeah, feel free to harvest some eggs from the dead cousin since obviously Shana's accident left her unable to conceive. That'll give you a few more twists for the next season. haha!
twisted - 07/23/05 18:05
Ha! Maybe you can take the cast and the crew "on location" in CA for that episode. In any case, I can't wait for Ep. 3! Help yourself to any plot (e:twists) - maybe shoot an alternate ending for the special edition DVD.
Ha! Maybe you can take the cast and the crew "on location" in CA for that episode. In any case, I can't wait for Ep. 3! Help yourself to any plot (e:twists) - maybe shoot an alternate ending for the special edition DVD.
mike - 07/23/05 16:34
You are awesome! Those are awesome that I may use if you don't mind at least in some way might use them. You will have to fly in for the cameo role!!!! I will upload the third episode soon but after that it might be a little bit because the rest are not written. Well they are but like they are old ones and I have changed it so I have to go in and change them around kinda before posting!! Stay tuned... I love to hear I have a fan!
You are awesome! Those are awesome that I may use if you don't mind at least in some way might use them. You will have to fly in for the cameo role!!!! I will upload the third episode soon but after that it might be a little bit because the rest are not written. Well they are but like they are old ones and I have changed it so I have to go in and change them around kinda before posting!! Stay tuned... I love to hear I have a fan!
07/23/2005 13:07 #36587
xtra quaint"2-story cottage 4sale"

The catch? The only way to get to the kitchen is to go down that outside staircase. I am not kidding!

The catch? The only way to get to the kitchen is to go down that outside staircase. I am not kidding!
paul - 07/23/05 13:07
This is so great the LG6000 does a great job! I wish more peopel would make mobile posts.
This is so great the LG6000 does a great job! I wish more peopel would make mobile posts.
07/23/2005 16:27 #36586
Already behind the curveCategory: web
The 5th Internet Dating Conference (San Francisco 2005) event will cover Mobile and Wireless Technologies to the Dating and Social Networking industry. Topics included will be new and existing technology and business management for Dating and Social Networking businesses that are entering the mobile/wireless space.

New mobile dating services allow people to browse profiles via cell phone and message potential matches -- even on the spot

(as long as I'm already in the top 12 might as well post again.)
07/23/2005 03:45 #36585
this is why i can't move to buffalo.
(Cell phone pic does NOT do it justice)
twisted - 07/23/05 03:45
p.s. - (e:Ajay), now that you live in the same state you can't avoid me forever. When are you going to take that new car of yours for a spin to the East Bay?
p.s. - (e:Ajay), now that you live in the same state you can't avoid me forever. When are you going to take that new car of yours for a spin to the East Bay?
twisted - 07/23/05 03:34
Whoa! My first ever comments (except from (e:Paul) who doesn't count) and this was just supposed to be a test.
Come on out (e:Joshua)!
Whoa! My first ever comments (except from (e:Paul) who doesn't count) and this was just supposed to be a test.
Come on out (e:Joshua)!
ajay - 07/23/05 02:46
Have you noticed how it is always the "radical untolerant liberals"; while the right is always the tolerant one, right? (e:Joshua), you are safer in SF than a left-wing person is, in the entire south, I'd say!
Have you noticed how it is always the "radical untolerant liberals"; while the right is always the tolerant one, right? (e:Joshua), you are safer in SF than a left-wing person is, in the entire south, I'd say!
joshua - 07/23/05 02:39
Nice picture! I'm hoping my job takes me to San Fran soon. I'm not really sure I'd like to live there (cost of living, radical untolerant left wing political scenario, etc.) but NoCal definitely has its advantages. I got a taste of L.A. and really liked it but I've been told that out of the "major" cities in California L.A. is the trailer park of the bunch.
Nice picture! I'm hoping my job takes me to San Fran soon. I'm not really sure I'd like to live there (cost of living, radical untolerant left wing political scenario, etc.) but NoCal definitely has its advantages. I got a taste of L.A. and really liked it but I've been told that out of the "major" cities in California L.A. is the trailer park of the bunch.
Ya, i love blackberries, so does basra.
It was so hard to not eat them right then and there. I just woofed some down. They are delicious!
I am so jealous of your delicious berries.