I've decided as long as
(e:Paul) is away I'm going to allow myself free reign blogging on
(e:strip)/Eastern edition to help alleviate the separation anxiety. That only seems fair. Don't worry, it's only for another 5 days. Then
(e:strip) can go back to being a crunch-free zone. haha.
So the decision to cast another line into the craigslist pool to find a movie buddy came about when I realized how much I miss my friend Steve. He's the media-holic in my old circle of friends (among other claims to fame, like staging large-production [inlink]twisted,14[/inlink] Halloween parties). Anyway, any event at Steve's ends up in front of the TV watching the latest DVD releases, some rare gem he found on laserdisc, the best of the past week's TV offerings, etc. all cued up like a video dj ready to captivate his audience into the wee hours of the night.
That was really too much of a good thing for me, to be honest. But Steve was so into it - pointing out production nuances and factoids and behind the scenes trivia. Like having your own personal extra footage host. And it was a social thing, so it seemed ok to be spending that much time on it. Unlike this blogging thing, which is not at all social for me right now. Oh crap.
The hell with it, I'll just finish this now anyway.
So I get the usual rush of responses, mostly one-liners from guys who are probably used to being ignored - possibly because they've chosen an email account name like bitchaholic. I respond to just about everyone anyway and round two begins.
Can I just interject here that I don't recommend using craigslist to meet that certain someone. Activity partner, sure. Someone with similar interests to do stuff with, yeah. You'll still have to sift through the dregs of society just looking to get laid. That's always the problem when technology makes it easy for the bottom feeders to appear to have equal footing. And the bottom feeders always seem to be the early adopters. But at least in SF, craigslist has become mainstream enough that you still have the cruft, but there are actual people in there too. I personally have met a couple.
So three or four responses stand out from the start with thoughtful, coherent points indicating they actually read my entire ad. One of them is from the guy I met yesterday - conveniently named Steve. Not that I could ever actually replace the original Steve, but still.
Ok, I really have to wrap this up so here's the condensed Reader's Digest version. I learn from the links to his blog in his email signature that Steve is a "journalist who writes about media, culture, and politics." Of course I am intrigued and since I am making judgment calls on the fly I decide to send him a link to my blogs as well. Both of them, believe it or not. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea since now I'm writing about him here, but there's no going back now.
So the other weird thing is he actually reads my blogs. All the while emailing back and forth to the point where he even explains that he was emailing me one morning when the train came and he lost his wireless connection before he could hit send and I reply that I was getting worried because I hadn't heard from him in 8 hours. So there's that weird internet connection thing that I still don't trust, but what the hell it beats a poke in the eye.
This is already too long. Maybe I'll finish it later. I have to deal with my car in the morning.
Oh - did I mention my ex is coming back again? This time for a MONTH? I am not kidding. Didn't he just leave?
You guys are so cute in that picture!