1st homeless guy: "can anybody spare 75 cents? any spare change?"
2nd homeless guy: "hey dude, stop doing that. you're giving homeless people a black eye doing that."
1st guy looks nonplussed, says nothing.
2nd guy: "dude, you're giving homeless people a black eye doing that. don't do it!"
1st guy: "did you already ask them for change?"
2nd guy: "dude, don't do it! you don't bother people on the train! you're giving homeless people a black eye doing that."
1st guy: "but I don't have anywhere to live."
2nd guy: "I'm just as homeless as you are, dude. you have to try harder. I'm only going to tell you one more time. don't bother people on the train!"
1st guy, (after pause): "all right, I'll stop."
2nd guy: "don't stop, dude. just don't do it!"
1st guy: "all right. I won't do it."
(other scenes from my brief trip to SF)

Global Exchange

As long as I'm in the Mission I'd better pick up some more veggies. Anybody know how to prepare cactus?
I have to move back to the city.