Clearly I have to get a cell phone with a better camera. Or a flash attachment. ;)
God, I love living here. I had the best time last night at Popscene. Only $5 to get in if you're legal. Fat Tire on tap. Great dance tunes (OMD, Buzzcocks, Franz Ferdinand). Small/intimate but not crowded. And two freakin' good bands. What the hell else do you want?
I have to go to this since Morrissey [c]cancelled[/c] on me at the Now & Zen Fest --
Join us on this holiday as the popscene DJs go deep into the Smiths/ Morrissey catalog for all you people who love them. Last year was a blast, so come out and have some fun with your friends. Its not like you have to work the next day, right?
Jezus'freakin'keeriste (e:j3sse), why did you have to move? Guess I'll just have to see if new music bud Aaron wants go, since Steven Patrick bailed on him too (even though I'm the one taking it personally). But it's just not the same.
I'm really getting into this duality thing. I can stuff myself and be thankful and lethargic all day, then dance to vegan-militant mope-rock all night. Embrace the polarity!