New venue (to me) this week. I'm pretty psyched about this. One of my new music buddies is rabidly into indie music (mostly brit) and old punk. I don't know why I'm even trying to quantify this guy's musical tastes, except to explain how we connected to see Siouxsie and the Pixies, so now I'm also getting to see a bunch of new bands I probably wouldn't otherwise go see, like Franz Ferdinand, the Futureheads, and Hope of the States.
Kind of funny to be turned on to new bands by a guy who's 10 years older than I am, but I hate listening to commercial radio these days and he hears about them by avidly reading Brit music magazine 'Q.' So that's the backstory.
We're going to see Dogs Die in Hot Cars this Thursday, and the Futureheads again next Friday, at Popscene -
basically, doors open at 10pm, popscene dj's spin cool 'danceable' indie music,
the band plays around 11:15 or so and then we spin records to close.
Also got tix for X

at Great American Music Hall Jan. 15. I can't wait for that one. X is Andy's (my best music buddy ever) favorite band. God I miss him. We lived on the same dorm floor freshman year with all journalism majors, and we're all still pretty close because of that. Andy and I started showing up at the same shows all the time and finally decided maybe relentless independence was overrated and we should try going to shows together instead of just showing up solo all the time. That was the start of a beautiful friendship. Anyway, any time X was in Boston we went to see them. I think diving into the mosh pit kept him connected to his LA roots. I'd just let myself get bounced around the fringe until he emerged from the depths. That was fun.
I couldn't convince my new music buddy, Larry*, to go see X at Slim's instead, so I don't think we'll be moshing. Oh well, easier on the shoes.
- Not to be confused with my other new music buddy, Aaron - The Cure, Tears for Fears and Morrissey (although Morrissey called in sick! dang!) and R.E.M. Kind of funny, because he's 10 years younger than I am. Who knew a love of 80s music could span the generations?