Final Verdict: Foregoing the ash cloud hood, more lava added since this pic, volano is currently residing my nephew's room per his request. Thank goodness for the imagination of a 7-year-old.
Side note[inlink]j3sse,19[/inlink]to (e:j3sse) : yeah, I can't believe this will be my fourth Halloween out here. Although Halloween homesickness drove me back to Boston the first year. Local Halloween parties the last two years. My ex-roomie invited me to go H'ween party hopping this year, but haven't been able to convince him to swing by the Castro en route. Still cultivating other potential cohorts.
In the interest of balanced reporting, here's the story

p.s. - If Bush wins I'm moving to Toronto.
p.p.s. to j3sse - thanks 'DAD!'
All right. Enough about me. I'm laying low for awhile. I can quit any time. Honest!