I've been home from work for about an hour. This shift is strange. I can't ever just go to bed after work, so always do something first, a movie, a book, a video game,
(e:strip)? I just watched a PBS documentary for a half hour or so. It chronicled the adventures of a Vietnamese girl who came for schooling to America. She lived in Georgia. Maybe that's enough said. There was a conversation between her and a friend about gay people and the hickbilly says that while being a lesbian is maybe okay, the thought of gay men is disgusting, just wrong. Maybe I should rejoice that lesbians at least are okay, though I fear some malecentric propaganda is the cause. Anyways, the Vietnamese girl has some money problems (she's going to figgin' Tulane, a school I wouldn't've tried to afford, fer heaven's sake) and is forced to get a job. At first as a farily harmless waitress in a Chinese restaurant, but then as the money situation tightens, she is forced to change schools and move to Detroit where she does nails. The last scene of the program is her doing some disgusting old bag's toenails. The lady calmly instructs her on how best to cut off her yellowing skin and nails, while asking questions like, "so how do you like America?" Then after instructing her that she wants the deep red, "cause it looks like the American flag," she explains that she would feel real bad if the girl had any negative impressions of our country. I'm thinking, is this not just about the worst impression of our country, the foreigner who is forced to scrub nasty women's feet in order to pay for her education? The girl even comments that she never expected to be doing the job of the shoe shiner back home. Ahhh America.
I hurt my back. I think it was the biking-day followed by the canoeing-day followed by the 4-hour nap on the couch (which is not all that big and also housed
(e:matthew) at the time). I think it's getting better now, but oh how I hate being a gimp. While I made soup today I was seriously hunched like an old-old man. It's all in the way I sleep. My favorite position is somewhere between side and belly. I start out pure side (which I think is fine for the back) but then my leg slowly crooks and extends, until I am half-side and half-belly, which I think puts strange stresses on my back. I need to do a gandhi-stlye sleep on the floor thing. Tonight, at least.
Welcome back
Welcome back New York trippers!