Pretty neat stuff. I love the pure innovation. They got these anomalous phrases by first cataloging a vast amount of data and then isolating the various phrases within each book which occured significantly only within the pages of that particular book. So random yet oddly useful.his inner barriers, tiny spiral horn, spear thread, large blackwood desk, shattered crystal chalices, dark psychic scent, communal eyrie, seduction tendrils, landing web, landen village, shattered chalice, gray jewels, controlling ring, jewel darker, gutter son, his dark wings, jewel chips, psychic thread, aristo families, bladed stick, witch storm, psychic tendril, fawn tail, snake tooth, her gold eyesQuoted from: Books: Black Jewels Trilogy, The
sidenote: My reluctance to use dictionaries has once again led me astray. Today's word of the day is ameliorate which I thought I knew. I thought it meant to get rid of or to lessen or something. In fact it means, very logically, to grow better (think Spanish mejor=better). See, the problem is that it's always used with bad things ('s examples include "ameliorate the family's exiguous circumstances" and "ameliorate human suffering") which if they are ameliorated are in fact being diminished or done away with. If I ameliorate my TV addiction I am making it better but it is also lessening. Right? It wasn't like I was misunderstanding the word just misinterpreting it. Yeah.