I wonder if they'll survive. And where will the go when their legs grow?
We went hiking at the Zoar valley today. Gotta be directions on the site somewhere if you search. Near Gowanda. It was lotsa fun. I just wanted to stay in the water the whole tme. If I glow a little green you now know why. Almost forgot to skip rocks. But made a few across at the end.
I think I may seriously know what I want to do when I gorw up. I want to be a systems analyst focusing on minimizing/eliminating/reutilizing waste. Basically convincing people that waste doesn't exist until you create it. Nature has no waste. Everything is food. Why should a modern manafacturing firm be any different? Or architecture? Or any other number of fields? It sounds like something I am into, and something that people will pay for. It's the best of both worlds. I help people make money and spare the earth at the same time. It's the only way environmentalism is going to get anywhere. If we wait for Congress it's gonna be to late. We gotta get the people who do things, namely the capitalists, to realize that the way they do things now is 1)not going to be available forever 2)is highly inefficient and 3)is using more of their capital (and nature's capital) than necessary to get the same (or often better) profit with improved methods. A couple books I'm reading are really getting me motivated. Yo.
Terry's Journal
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06/11/2005 22:21 #35735
Captured tadpoles in our tank06/08/2005 16:11 #35734
Family pics from Vegas tripMy wonderful aunt Cheryl thought to send me some pictures from my trip to Vegas a couple months ago, what a gal! So without further ado:

My immediates: mommy, Denise, bro, Caleb, and sis, Alex

Us again

Mom replaced with cousin, Britton Ann

Alex (with for-the-camera pouty face) and Britton (with super model smile)

Britton again (Cheryl, the photographer is her mom), Aunt Lovey, and Sis-in-law, Paris

Me with Britton, and Caleb with wife, Paris

The kids tearing into presents. The guy with his back to us is Caleb Jr. (CJ), and this is the only pic I have of him, darn it. The guy on the left is his bro, Aiden. And the lil girl is aunt Lovey's Elizabeth. And of course, Britton. :)

Up close of nephew, Aiden. Such a cutie.

Elizabeth rolling around on the ground, one of her favorite passtimes. See more of her here: [inlink]terry,414[/inlink]

I love this picture. This is me and uncle Reiny (Cheryl's wife and Britton's dad). He is rather right leaning and I'm rather left. After the table has cleared of everyone else tired of hearing our nonstop opinions, this is what we look like. Notice the crossed legs, and alternate hand-waving/crossed arms. The speaker waves, extolling the virtures of his beliefs, the listener sits back and shoots skeptical glances. Much fun.

Here's my cousin Nicole, holding one of her chillins, and her mom (my aunt) Donna. Then my mommy. Then Britton, well duh, and the only pic of my aunt Cheryl, I think I took this one.

This is me, pretty toasted at this point, and Britton. She's almost as tall as me, like 6' sheesh.

Us again, looking happy. And we were.

My immediates: mommy, Denise, bro, Caleb, and sis, Alex

Us again

Mom replaced with cousin, Britton Ann

Alex (with for-the-camera pouty face) and Britton (with super model smile)

Britton again (Cheryl, the photographer is her mom), Aunt Lovey, and Sis-in-law, Paris

Me with Britton, and Caleb with wife, Paris

The kids tearing into presents. The guy with his back to us is Caleb Jr. (CJ), and this is the only pic I have of him, darn it. The guy on the left is his bro, Aiden. And the lil girl is aunt Lovey's Elizabeth. And of course, Britton. :)

Up close of nephew, Aiden. Such a cutie.

Elizabeth rolling around on the ground, one of her favorite passtimes. See more of her here: [inlink]terry,414[/inlink]

I love this picture. This is me and uncle Reiny (Cheryl's wife and Britton's dad). He is rather right leaning and I'm rather left. After the table has cleared of everyone else tired of hearing our nonstop opinions, this is what we look like. Notice the crossed legs, and alternate hand-waving/crossed arms. The speaker waves, extolling the virtures of his beliefs, the listener sits back and shoots skeptical glances. Much fun.

Here's my cousin Nicole, holding one of her chillins, and her mom (my aunt) Donna. Then my mommy. Then Britton, well duh, and the only pic of my aunt Cheryl, I think I took this one.

This is me, pretty toasted at this point, and Britton. She's almost as tall as me, like 6' sheesh.

Us again, looking happy. And we were.
06/24/2005 23:48 #35733
all prided outTurned out to be a very nice weekend. The first pride not living on or right-off elmwood. I missed the rooftop gathering (and suppose I'll miss them for all the other elmwood centered events), but we still managed to round up a decent sized get together. So hot, though, I was seriously moist the entire afternoon, and not in a good way. The parade and the crowd seems to get bigger every year. Are more people gay every year? I don't think so, just that the overall social climate is moving in the right direction, all those closeted people are more comfortable getting out there. The whole day for me is always spent watching people. So many different kinds of people. Some truly bizarro people. Anyways, it was fun, and thanks to everyone who came over and played.
sidenote: "The Supreme Court ruled today that federal agents may raid the homes of Californians who use medical marijuana, holding that the strict federal drug laws prevail over the state's liberalized marijuana laws." from:http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-060605scotus_lat,0,7645103.story?coll=la-home-headlines All those horrible criminals comitting crime like cancer and glaucoma, can no longer hide behind the veil of state's rights to do their illicit activities. Thank god. The strange thing is the justices who voted the way I would have (which is let them have their friggin dope) were the three most conservative. Strange to find yourself in the same camp as Rehnquist, Day O'Connor and Clarence Thomas. Though I have to admit that many arguments that real conservatives have (as opposed to the right wing neo-cons and religious freaks) are compelling. Things like local power, i.e. state's rights and fiscal responsibility are sound ideas. It's just the current brand of nuts running our country don't seem to really be conservatives at all, they just use all the rhetoric with a sprinkling of jesus. OK, nuff said, gotta go treat my glaucoma. :)
sidenote: "The Supreme Court ruled today that federal agents may raid the homes of Californians who use medical marijuana, holding that the strict federal drug laws prevail over the state's liberalized marijuana laws." from:http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-060605scotus_lat,0,7645103.story?coll=la-home-headlines All those horrible criminals comitting crime like cancer and glaucoma, can no longer hide behind the veil of state's rights to do their illicit activities. Thank god. The strange thing is the justices who voted the way I would have (which is let them have their friggin dope) were the three most conservative. Strange to find yourself in the same camp as Rehnquist, Day O'Connor and Clarence Thomas. Though I have to admit that many arguments that real conservatives have (as opposed to the right wing neo-cons and religious freaks) are compelling. Things like local power, i.e. state's rights and fiscal responsibility are sound ideas. It's just the current brand of nuts running our country don't seem to really be conservatives at all, they just use all the rhetoric with a sprinkling of jesus. OK, nuff said, gotta go treat my glaucoma. :)
06/04/2005 02:01 #35731
Welcome my new cousin Samantha Paige06/24/2005 23:50 #35732
Still reelingLast night was very entertaining. But quite exhasuting. Miss Ajay-thang let us kick it at her place and spun retro hits throughout the evening (even surprised me with a little Joe Jackson [inlink]terry,405[/inlink]). We then proceeded to like 5 bars, many of which I didn't even go into, just loitered outside and gabbed. (e:Flacidness) was there, scoring compliments on the dance floor. And Geoffrey...well if you know who I'm talking about, you'll know what that's about. Didn't stumble into bed until around 4:30, and then couldn't sleep for a while after that. Now it's 12:30 and I've got to get to Pride. But I am le tired. Maybe a cup of coffee, and perhaps food. Realized my primary food yesterday was beer: not good. Must eat actual solid food today. See ya'll at the parade.
And that's not all: The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development. :::link:::
What the hell???