I have made two hats in three days. I am a machine. My nimble fingers weave fine handiworks with alacrity. The first was a mean sketch, the first of the season.
My powers had regained their former aptitude, and I was ready for a challenge.
(e:Matthew) was in need. I heard from my telephone booth that he had a cold-head emergency! I whipped into gear. My crochet-Ting needle was in my fist faster than a lickedy-split. I decided upon a simple single stitch weave which allows for a flexible yet quite windproof material. Since I was using a heavier thread than suggested by my pattern, I opted to deviate, using a penta-point structure rather than the hepta-point illustrated. I am quite pleased with the result. Please, gander at your leisure.
Take a look at the owner's journal for some better shots. [inlink]matthew,468[/inlink]
I shall perhaps begin a business. Is $20.00-$25.00 too much for a handy-made hat? I can not afford to do it cheaper. The materials are almost $10.00 themselves, and the wear-and-tear on my carpal-tunnel prone hands alone makes it pricey. In any event, if you wanna learn (or better yet, if you know how and wanna share) give me a buzz. I should be pretty free for the next month or two.
sidenote (but very exciting nonetheless): My sister, Alex, might be coming to town very soon. Like in the next couple weeks type soon. Which is nice, cuz she can help us move. And of course, I love her and would love to see her and stuff... So cross your fingers and maybe you can meet another desert star in wintry B-flo.