the more you can see right through his liberal label.
Like always, Bush is lying. For months now he's been calling Kerry the Mass. Liberal, and Kerry's doing his darndest to put the horrible lie back in the closet where it's been resting since he came home from Vietnam and testified before Congress. The closer the election creeps, the more Kerry's thin liberal coat is sloughing away to reveal the snake of a different color (red?) hiding beneath. He'll increase Defense (read: WAR) spending. He won't back down on the hunt for terrorists (read: continue to check the stats of your civil liberites on a daily basis). "Special Units" (read: assassins/interogators/counterintelligence) expenditures will skyrocket. Who's the liberal now Bush?
It just makes me wonder what other liberal values we'll have to sacrifice in order to capture that suprememe slice of the electorate, these so-called moderates. What the fuck are moderates? People who have no opinions? People who don't like to make a distinction between right and wrong? Fence-sitters afraid of any decisions that might take a bit of comfort/convenience from their personal lives? Fine, I accept the fact that they exist but why the hell do I want to join their party? Anything but Bush will only get you so far. And if you creep closer and closer to the enemy, you may take a couple of his supporters away, but you're also going to alienate many people who still believe that it's not the man, but the values behind the man that we're voting for. If, in his rush to secure these moderate votes, Kerry continues to shed his more liberal values, he's going to lose a lot more than his credibility with me and the other weirdo-commies (or whatever we're labelled by the mainstream) on this site. He just might lose an election.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/31/2004 01:37 #35580
The more you get to know him07/29/2004 16:30 #35579
test of new paul-deviceHere is the new test of Paul's newfangled journal box application. Hope it works.
07/31/2004 01:42 #35578
Recording the Strip for 24 HoursAjay, I think this [inlink]ajay,68[/inlink] is a great idea. Now we just have to see who we can get involved and then schedule it. It would be great if we got not only writers but photographers, videographers, and sound artists involved. We could even turn the whole thing into a promotional CD.
sidenote: I think this is a neat idea too, but I actually didn't write this. It was Paul, erroneously logged in as me on our computer. Sorry Ajay, but I've transferred your thanks to him anyways.
sidenote: I think this is a neat idea too, but I actually didn't write this. It was Paul, erroneously logged in as me on our computer. Sorry Ajay, but I've transferred your thanks to him anyways.
07/29/2004 10:52 #35577
A choiceThe one aparently nice day in weeks and I have to choose between equally enjoyable activities. I can go on the boat in the lake with good friend Dave or I can go to Thursday in the Square and see Arrested Development with mucho friends and peeps. What to do? Either way I will still be able to make Pink-night (thank god, right?). We shall see...

This cute little feller here uses ultrasound screams to alert his pals that danger is coming
. It's the first time that researchers have discovered a rodent with ultrasonic capabilities and also deciphered their meaning. I guess it's probably not that surprising that other rodents would use ultrasound, bats are just mice with wings, right?

This cute little feller here uses ultrasound screams to alert his pals that danger is coming

07/28/2004 21:59 #35576
It's suddenly darkand I don't know what I'm doing tonight.
I arrived home tonight with an aching bladder to find a locked house. I had foolishly given my key to a notoriously absent-minded fellow who forgot when I came home from work. I waited for a halfhour before resorting to spry methods to enter my apartment. Luckily the offender didn't show up for another halfhour still. My temper had subsided along with the pressure in my bladder. Now I am in a mood. Which one I can't decide. Perhaps it's a mood-to-be, waiting for the right impetus to propel it into fruition. Perhaps. Perhaps it's a call to take it easy and read a book. Who knows? Guess I'll sit back and find out.
I arrived home tonight with an aching bladder to find a locked house. I had foolishly given my key to a notoriously absent-minded fellow who forgot when I came home from work. I waited for a halfhour before resorting to spry methods to enter my apartment. Luckily the offender didn't show up for another halfhour still. My temper had subsided along with the pressure in my bladder. Now I am in a mood. Which one I can't decide. Perhaps it's a mood-to-be, waiting for the right impetus to propel it into fruition. Perhaps. Perhaps it's a call to take it easy and read a book. Who knows? Guess I'll sit back and find out.