rolling in myself,
the earth and the sun,
hanging upside down from trees
stalks of plants, tea!
sparrow hunting sparrows through the pennyroyal
babies toddling, without human help
things let to go wild will multiply
a garden full of dream
damn it!
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/31/2004 22:54 #35429
re: ahsirt01/30/2004 22:16 #35428
Nifty Dem-Pres-Candidate GuideThis is a survey conducted by the Drum Major Institute of the individual candidate's direct responses to several questions related to the plight of the middle class. Very informative. And again I highly reccommend the site Moving Ideas (in my link list) for some nice articles that I didn't see elsewhere. Anyways, here're some links.
to the article:
and the actual report:
to the article:

and the actual report:

01/29/2004 12:44 #35427
Forum/Discussion BoardThe few "strippers" who were around when we first started up may remember the forum, where users could debate/converse in an online discussion (we also featured recipe, events, and car-pooling sections). Since then, mostly in an attempt to code the entire site by hand, we have neglected to update this feature. I've noticed that users still comment on each other's journals without having a special section to do so. On this same note, we fear that if there are too many places to comment, users may only write on one or the other and neglect their own journals. What do you think? Should we revisit the idea? Or is having your own journal, where you can reference the other journals, adequate to your needs? Feel free to talk about it on your own journal. Depending on the response I will work on bringing the forum back to the strip (ie: convincing Paul it's a good idea).
01/28/2004 15:56 #35426
The yodel-kingFound this neato tape at Amvets the other day. It is Indian Love Call by "Yodeling" Kenny Roberts. Absolutely amazing stuff. I've included a sample yodel for your listening pleasure-just click on my pic to your right. I don't know what's more to say. I really like yodeling and can do it a little bit, but boy-oh-boy have I got far to go before I match skills with Mr. Roberts. I don't know that any Indians will yet come to my love call. I will perservere, and maybe some day the hook of my ululating voice will catch some Indian unawares and they will be mine, all mine. Hua-ha-ha!

01/27/2004 18:42 #35425
Fucking dumb wordsThe last three words of the day from
are just dumb. I can't believe that anyone really knows them, or if maybe three people do they can't use them because no one would know what the fuck they were talking about without the aid of a dictionary. I feel that I know enough random words that nobody knows already and so if I haven't heard it before (unless it's highly technical or specific jargon) then it's so out there as to be nigh worthless. Here they are:
concinnity: elegance - used chiefly of literary style.
peripatetic: walking about or traveling from place to place.
frangible: capable of being broken; easily broken. (frangible my ass, c'mon already!)

concinnity: elegance - used chiefly of literary style.
peripatetic: walking about or traveling from place to place.
frangible: capable of being broken; easily broken. (frangible my ass, c'mon already!)