Well finally there will be an investigation into the nature of pre-war intelligence

which has so far turned out to be not much more than a load of horse shit. So-called president Bush said on Sunday that he would appoint memebers of an investigation comittee to examine the pre-war intel. This is where the problem lies though; it is ridiculous that the object (albeit how directly connected he was is yet to be determined)of an investigation appoints his own judges. The other factor that makes me wrinkle my nose is that this probe will undoubtedly focus on intelligence failures within the three departments in control, when I firmly believe that it is not what intelligence was available but how that intelligence was used that got us into a war. Oh, and also (of course) the commission is not expected to report before the presidential election in November. Hopefully once it begins it will almost immediately begin to find faults with the administration, especially as it will be helped along by members of the investigative arms who know where the blame belongs and don't want bush-stains on their shirts. We'll see...
Also, amid sky-rocketing deficit projections ad infinitum, the pentagon's budget has been okayed with huge increases in defense spending and new-weapon procurement

with spending on new weapons reaching $114 billion in fiscal year 2009. The plan includes a 13-percent increase in missile defense spending, the woefully inadequate and, in the words of many leading experts, doomed-to-fail mission of protecting America from foreign-launched missiles by intercepting them via land, sea, or space-based missiles of our own. So our schools are failing, medical costs are shooting through the roof, half of us don't have health insurance, half the world hates us, but the Homeland will be secure. Oh joy.