I finally broke down and bought myself some skis. I have ben going cross couuntry for the last two years and really enjoyed it, but never bought skis because it's only like $15 to rent them. Well, anyways, I went with my friend Dave last Sunday to go night skiing and we got there at the wrong time and it was closed, and then the next day we tried to go and the rental shop we used didn't rent cross country skis anymore. I felt kinda bad for Dave and added that to my desire to own them and managed to beat out my fear of spending more than $100 on anything. So I have skis now. I think I am in love with them. Holly got some too and today we went to the park (Delaware that is) and skiid (is that right?) for almost two hours. I didn't realize how fun it would be just in the park. You wouldn't imagine it, but you can go all over; the park, down by the river, the cool path thing in between. I don't even have to drive to get to the park, I can just walk down to Bidwell and ski from there. Cool, eh?
The party was a total success, thanks everyone for coming, and I apolize for passing out so early (about 4). I was wearing a green shirt for the record, not a red silky one as Matthew's journal shows it (check Chamille's journal (southernyankee) for the real version), maybe he was trying to match my beady red eyes. Oh Matt is becoming the little photoshop artist isn't he?
Lastly we have the highest ranking official in the Bush administration yet to admit that the evidence used to thrust the nation into war was ummm, well... maybe not so perfect.

Ironically it was Powell himself who detailed in depth this "evidence" to the UN and the world before the war when we still pretended to care what the rest of the world wants.