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10/20/2006 22:55 #34678

Category: games
Soundtrack Be???

Opening Credits:
Kanye west - livin in a movie

Waking Up:
Frank Sinatra - Looking at the World through Rose Colored Glasses

First Day At School:
Nothings too good for my baby - Louis Prima & keely Smith

Falling In Love:
Frank Sinatra - Weep they will

Breaking Up:
Frank Sinatra - Only The Lonely

More Frankie S. - These Foolish Things

Life's Ok:
Even More Frankie S. - I won't dance (Don't ask me,

Mental Breakdown:
Kanye West - Doing Fine

John Mayer - Clarity

Grove Me - King Floyd

Getting Back Together:
Mesmerise - Chapterhouse

Birth of Child
Gotta Move - Barbra Streisand

Wedding Scene:
Gosh, More Frank Sinatra - To Love & Be Loved

Final Battle:
guess who? Frank Sinatra - Get Happy

Death Scene:
Broken Social Scene - All My Friends

Funeral Song:
Old Blues Eyes is the leader of the Pack! - I've Got a Crush On You

End Credits:
Before Kings - Geoff Byrd

((i didn't pick any of these - I played fair & square))
jenks - 10/21/06 00:55
good stuff! esp love louis prima and keely smith. :)

10/20/2006 18:07 #34677

random thought
Category: long days
wrists tied w/ leather
baked beans???
copy room church in session
rings of substance
cake Cake CAKE !!!
extreme messiness
missing yous already : %
secret life? fake soap opera drama...
sobreity can save a life!

10/16/2006 21:48 #34675

Ho Day!!!
Category: birthdays
I know yesterday was Ho Day! I missed it trying to resize the pics. I wish you the Best Birthday ever Sara! I miss you lots and hope the upcoming year brings you mucho success, love, and accomplishment! "Cheers"!!!




lilho - 10/17/06 16:51
children, let's keep it pg, for the kiddies! thanx chammycakes:O) miss you already :O(
paul - 10/16/06 21:57
Haha, it's missing one.

10/14/2006 10:52 #34674

October Stuff
Ok, first things:
  • Sorry that the Buffalo crew is suffering through weird/freak/global worming snow storm. That is crazy. It was soo beautiful when I was there like 5 days ago.
  • I have had a BLAST this week in Atlanta!
Bahamian Breeze lunches with Aunties, Niece, Sister, Nephews, Counsin
  • Baby sitting babies and being exhausted from last weekend : D
  • Surprise visits from B-Friends ; D
  • Twist/Shout Cosmos=spend the night in a Days Inn Downtown Atlanta - egadst but oh so much fun!!!
  • SUPER Surprise "Tres' Chic" Birthday Party from my wonderful family!!!
& Special Ribbon & Polka Dots Cake-yea!

No snow here in the beautiful south - South Karo-lina!!!
It's family weekend @ Furman University. Gonna watch my cousin cheer-yay!!!

more later...

10/12/2006 08:38 #34673

happy 30th to me!
Category: birthdays
Happy 30 years.
yay!!! more later.gotta watch Dora The Explorer w/ the kids.

Thanks again to (e:Paul) (e:Matt) (e:Terry) (e:Mike) (e:Lilho) (e:Holly) (e:Theecarey) and everyone else who shared in such a great weekend! Good to see (e:Jason) & (e:Joshua) also last weekend. There were many that I missed seeing & I hope that you are all doing well!
Eventually when I get back to high speed internet society, I will post a pic or two.


mike - 10/12/06 18:36
paul - 10/12/06 18:34
Happy Birthday. You are lucky to be in in Atlanta.
lilho - 10/12/06 14:58
chammycakes, what can i say, you bring out the best and worst in me. just dont bring it out during the daytime>>>>>> HaPpY BIrThDaY! luv ya
terry - 10/12/06 12:02
Happy happy Big 3-0!!! I love you and already miss you my chammycakes.