One of the neat things we came across was this relic from the Guaranty / Prudential Building downtown Buffalo onChurch and I think Pearl . I used to work in this building before joining forces with Sam the Man.
The Views were phenomenal! The photos that I took of the bldg when I was there were not digital but film based and I have not scanned them into my digital library of photos yet.
But here is a link of some great shots of the majestic beauty!

And these below are inside the Smithsonian Institute...

I loved the location. Commuting downtown via the trolley train. Going to Market on Thursday afternoons! The live entertainment showcased by M & T in the Summer on the Plaza,Thursday in the Square just around the bend, etc...
Definitely Good Times! Oh and don't forget Pearl Street Brewery just a hop & a skip (no jump necessary) away!!!
I think it's nice to have a little bit of "Buffalo in the Backyard" here!!!