I hurt me not to be there ; (
That beer drinking in the drunk is right up my alley. As a matter of fact, last week I performed a similar adventure: 1 bottle of Panama Jack in purse/1 free very lg Coke & a smile from the Bartender/ 1 Clean lavatory & voila'!!! Instant Drunkenness!!!
This led to riding in a Honda Civic crouched in the front seat, face forward in my friends lap (strictly platonic though). There were six of us crammed inside (Three guys in the back and three peeps in the front) That was a very uncomfortable ride. Oh yeah, and it was a stick shift upon which we all thought we were going to die inside of...
But alas, we arrived safely into Del Ray Va. I pass out on the sofa. I wake up the next morning preparing to take the metro back to Vienna where I left Sebastian.
I make a mad dash for the metro bus and whoops!
I fall down a flight of fancy stairs in my hot new shoes and bust my ass real good!!!

Death by Shoes...

So needless to say, I did not end up getting home until right at 8pm SUnday night. (24hrs later)
I spent the next several hours laid up on my friends sofa while he shoved ice down my back side and made dinner (Crab Cakes - yummy ;) .)
That is a true friend!!! I am still sitting on ice as I type this - yes my arse is still swollen/it's Saturday. I have never seen something swollen for that long. There are lovely bruises to match this time. They go very well with the bikinis I bought just a day before the mishap.
But anyhow, speaking of friends... My Buffalo Visitor this month is my friend Lisa.
She is here for a week . We spent 4 hours in Ikea yesterday!

I got super deals all for under $20.00. Here they have an "AS IS" section full of returned items most in new condition. Yay!!!
I got these straws for $0.49. They were NOT in the "AS IS" section!!!
Lisa put them next to me & took this shot while I napped before climbing into bed.
But, they fit the mood at the end of the day "GROGGY"

me passed out in the middle of the floor (ice pack in place)
Sunday is the Dave Matthews Concert!!! My first DMB concert outside of New York State! Whoo Hoo!!!
Missing Image ;(
I "HEART" DMB in VA!!!
more to come later... Gotta help a friend move today and hit up the National Capital BBQ Battle

Best wishes to (e:Ajay)!!!! New ventures are awesome! Even though you will still be on the strip in heart/spirit, the neighborhood won't be the same without your physical presence! I love reading about your day sitting outside of Cafe Aroma or dancing with Hotties in Lotis!
Good Luck in the Bay!!![bgcolor]#d96925[/bgcolor]