I need some new hobbies. the "boys as friends" thing doesn't quite cut it anylonger and frankly I am sick of 'em. I never saw it as a hobby but perhaps in the end, they did!
Perhaps I should crochet, read the book of word, or invest in #200 cats and call it a life!!!
(no offense to anyone who leads a life that resembles the above thought)
Southernyankee's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/19/2005 05:57 #34582
hobbies wanted07/13/2005 19:35 #34581
zzzzz...07/13/2005 19:22 #34580
weekend is almost here...part of me can't wait til tomorrow 4:30pm!well most of me can't! ! !
Hittin' the road again; Headed for the Big Apple for the weekend. This weekend I have no idea what's in store but I guess that makes it interesting.But at the same time I have no momentum to do anything right now to prepare... like stepping away from the pc, turning off the tv and packing.
I may get the chance to see my niece and nephew and their parents over the weekend. Bonus! I miss them sooooo much!!!
Hittin' the road again; Headed for the Big Apple for the weekend. This weekend I have no idea what's in store but I guess that makes it interesting.But at the same time I have no momentum to do anything right now to prepare... like stepping away from the pc, turning off the tv and packing.
I may get the chance to see my niece and nephew and their parents over the weekend. Bonus! I miss them sooooo much!!!
07/12/2005 15:36 #34579
Ain't it though... H *** O *** T !!!
It was 89 here with a heat index of 96+ and it was 84 and climbing inside my office bldg today. Just our floor on 10, the penthouse. Everyone else below was cooler than a cucumber!!! The vents only blew out hot air (that's called HEAT)!!!
So we left! Two days straight of hot temps inside and humidity outside. Now I am in the comfort of air conditioning at my computer compiling complaints... or conversation?
anyway, got errands to run.
Hey does anyone know if (e:Flacidness) moved to NYC yet or whatever?
It was 89 here with a heat index of 96+ and it was 84 and climbing inside my office bldg today. Just our floor on 10, the penthouse. Everyone else below was cooler than a cucumber!!! The vents only blew out hot air (that's called HEAT)!!!
So we left! Two days straight of hot temps inside and humidity outside. Now I am in the comfort of air conditioning at my computer compiling complaints... or conversation?
anyway, got errands to run.
Hey does anyone know if (e:Flacidness) moved to NYC yet or whatever?
07/11/2005 18:39 #34578
Buffalo Artifacts in My Backyard...While my friend Lisa was here visiting we did a lot of sightseeing of DC. (I have a ton of photos-better than these below)
One of the neat things we came across was this relic from the Guaranty / Prudential Building downtown Buffalo onChurch and I think Pearl . I used to work in this building before joining forces with Sam the Man.
The Views were phenomenal! The photos that I took of the bldg when I was there were not digital but film based and I have not scanned them into my digital library of photos yet.
But here is a link of some great shots of the majestic beauty!
And these below are inside the Smithsonian Institute...

I loved the location. Commuting downtown via the trolley train. Going to Market on Thursday afternoons! The live entertainment showcased by M & T in the Summer on the Plaza,Thursday in the Square just around the bend, etc...
Definitely Good Times! Oh and don't forget Pearl Street Brewery just a hop & a skip (no jump necessary) away!!!
I think it's nice to have a little bit of "Buffalo in the Backyard" here!!!
One of the neat things we came across was this relic from the Guaranty / Prudential Building downtown Buffalo onChurch and I think Pearl . I used to work in this building before joining forces with Sam the Man.
The Views were phenomenal! The photos that I took of the bldg when I was there were not digital but film based and I have not scanned them into my digital library of photos yet.
But here is a link of some great shots of the majestic beauty!

And these below are inside the Smithsonian Institute...

I loved the location. Commuting downtown via the trolley train. Going to Market on Thursday afternoons! The live entertainment showcased by M & T in the Summer on the Plaza,Thursday in the Square just around the bend, etc...
Definitely Good Times! Oh and don't forget Pearl Street Brewery just a hop & a skip (no jump necessary) away!!!
I think it's nice to have a little bit of "Buffalo in the Backyard" here!!!