nothing to gripe about. Just a lovely day!!! Just because.
The sunrise was most amazing today - Orange Red Purple !!!! Just amazing.
Just thankful for experiencing another day.
I also received replacement buds from Apple today for the ones that broke sunday and some nice guys at work game me a pair of earphones too!
Everyone talked about what they did or planned to do yesterday for Valentines day; Well I planned to bake "slice and bake" cookies and make gift bags for my 53 co-workers. The heart shaped cookies didn't turn out quite the way I hoped, so I scraped that Idea and ate the remnants.
Later I planned to actually leave work timely and not get home @ 7pm. That also didn't work out as I hoped, but still worked out just as well. Rainy rushour traffic. So many people and limos out last night. I wonder if people made it to their destinations or spent the evening in a car on the highway?
So anyway, I still got home@ 7, yet made a wonderful Cajun Alfredo Shrimp dish set atop Angel Hair pasta nests. Garlic, Chives, one Vine Tomato, old bay, fresh parmesean, butter & heavy cream! Deliciouso!!! oh and don't forget the shiraz!
I had a date with myself last evening. How fun!!! Hope everyone else had a nice evening too!
Southernyankee's Journal
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02/15/2005 19:22 #34505
Here's Another Day to Thank!02/13/2005 22:41 #34504
did we break up already?If only I waited, I could have had this nice little toy: 
esp. now that I only have one working earbud!!! yes, prince george is already defective. It may be significant of what really happends in my real life relationships,; I just stomp on their poor little hearts. phooey! This olympus thing rocks. I swear I researched everyday for months. nothing... maybe I am reading the wrong info sites. besides, I guess I have to have prince george around anyway since I actually bought stuff from itunes over the past year, and I really don't feel like trying to figure out crazy ways of converting them...phooey.

esp. now that I only have one working earbud!!! yes, prince george is already defective. It may be significant of what really happends in my real life relationships,; I just stomp on their poor little hearts. phooey! This olympus thing rocks. I swear I researched everyday for months. nothing... maybe I am reading the wrong info sites. besides, I guess I have to have prince george around anyway since I actually bought stuff from itunes over the past year, and I really don't feel like trying to figure out crazy ways of converting them...phooey.
02/13/2005 10:33 #34503
How quirkyalone are you?
Your score was 80. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether):
You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting.
Wow, I just noticed I finally hit 5,000 views. I'll have another cup of "baked goods" java to toast! hmmm, when I think of toasting, for some reason it made me think of (e:Holly). Where the hell is (e:Holly)???
seperate thoughts, I am really into John Legend right now. You may have heard his hit "Ordinary People". Contemplating actually buying the cd - I haven't bought a cd in a while. (e:Matt) help keep my ears filled with the Barbra Collection, so there was no need or time to fit anyone else in... Speaking of Barbra, I found another fan at work. This is great.
So his music(John Legend) is quite soul soothing,esp. around this time of the year centered around v-day crap. I say crap because it's either you have to celebrate because you are with someone or you have to celebrate because you are not with someone. Who says!?!?! Really, "Just date yourself for a day" is what it should be called. Give yourself LOVE and do something loving for others, not just a sweetheart - why do we have a "sweetest day" then?
so, since I like doing things to make other people happy and feel loved, I have to figure out if I want to schlep cupcakes or cookies to work tomorrow... .

How quirkyalone are you?
Your score was 80. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether):
You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting.
Wow, I just noticed I finally hit 5,000 views. I'll have another cup of "baked goods" java to toast! hmmm, when I think of toasting, for some reason it made me think of (e:Holly). Where the hell is (e:Holly)???
seperate thoughts, I am really into John Legend right now. You may have heard his hit "Ordinary People". Contemplating actually buying the cd - I haven't bought a cd in a while. (e:Matt) help keep my ears filled with the Barbra Collection, so there was no need or time to fit anyone else in... Speaking of Barbra, I found another fan at work. This is great.
So his music(John Legend) is quite soul soothing,esp. around this time of the year centered around v-day crap. I say crap because it's either you have to celebrate because you are with someone or you have to celebrate because you are not with someone. Who says!?!?! Really, "Just date yourself for a day" is what it should be called. Give yourself LOVE and do something loving for others, not just a sweetheart - why do we have a "sweetest day" then?
so, since I like doing things to make other people happy and feel loved, I have to figure out if I want to schlep cupcakes or cookies to work tomorrow... .
02/11/2005 20:37 #34502
Date NiteI spent it with my new beau I call Prince George. I love Prince & I love George Micheal.
It was perfect. we had veggie pizza & a balsamic vinagerette endive/escarole salad & of course vino. there were no snide remarks about all the cheesecake, cherry turnovers, apple fritter I ate since yesterday. there was no play begging me to put out afterwards. and there wasn't any talk of any ex's. I think he is a keeper.

It was perfect. we had veggie pizza & a balsamic vinagerette endive/escarole salad & of course vino. there were no snide remarks about all the cheesecake, cherry turnovers, apple fritter I ate since yesterday. there was no play begging me to put out afterwards. and there wasn't any talk of any ex's. I think he is a keeper.