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02/06/2005 21:38 #34497

naked & funny
Hey (e:Boxerboi), I read Naked by D. Sedaris too, [inlink]boxerboi,35[/inlink];very funny. Those are great reads to keep you lighthearted about life sometimes .

02/01/2005 13:30 #34494

it smells like a landfill inside.
maybe someone died.
or they don't take out the
trash regularly.

i am not well. dizzy.
nauseated. no appetite.
chills / headache.
what is this? i don't like
being ill.

01/30/2005 23:13 #34493

silly statements...
why do people say silly things that are often offensive?
like when I was conversing with the new co-workers and talking about my drive down here from buffalo, I mentioned that I drank a lot of Red Bull, the stuff that gives you wings. So why does the "ben look a like" guy say to me: "You were drinking malt liquor while driving?" WTF? malt liquor??? where did he get that from I thought??? then it rang in my head, he must recall seeing those beer commercials back in the 80's & 90's for Colt 45; The scene showcased is people of color are dancing and socializing and all of sudden a bull charges through the wall into the party.... How you mistaken red bull and colt 45, which are too different things, is beyond me. Do I even look like I buy Colt 45? and insinuating drinking and driving no less wasn't any more of a saving grace than the original comment/ Besides, that was a dumb commercial. A Bull comes to kill you if you pop open a can of Colt 45. hmp hmp hmp.

Prior to that, I was out with someone who made a comment about "Uncle Tom" and thought it was funny.

What is wrong with people today? what is funny about slavery and depiction of African Americans in an unsavory manner?

I think that some think that we have come so far in social integration that certain stigmas no longer exist. Well they do exist and it ain't funny.

hopefully, tomorrow will be free of dumb comments. at least one can only hope, right

01/26/2005 20:44 #34491

[inlink]hodown,121[/inlink] & [inlink]metalpeter,251[/inlink]
This two ladies at my job are serious Barbie Collectors. They brought in two dolls monday, India Barbie and China Barbie for show and tell I guess.

I personally collect cd's that I never listen to... and there are a box full of tapes that I won't let go of either. they have no real purpose. i never listen to day, if I ever have a kid, I'll show them what the old people listened to back in the day on these here things called cassette tapes.

01/26/2005 20:21 #34490

new job - part two
so I started my new job monday. the people are great. the raved about how great this new team is; this made me excited-for all the potential...Its exciting to finally be a part of a project vs just working in the govt doing things that are just a part of life: paying taxes.
Here are some pics of my ride in to work the first day/It is an Hour and 30 minute trip each way - YAY!!! aLong the way (all 26 stops on the train) I cross over the Anacostia River (see pics) The campus is huge - 3 large buildings that look more like two halves.

with a genuine cafeteria with food made to order & a starbucks. I'll stick to the deli, also located inside the bldg, 'cause I am still po'.

Life is good though. Real good. Just gotta figure out how to get to work on time for a full 8 hour day....




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