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Southernyankee's Journal

My Podcast Link

02/11/2005 20:37 #34502

Date Nite
I spent it with my new beau I call Prince George. I love Prince & I love George Micheal.
It was perfect. we had veggie pizza & a balsamic vinagerette endive/escarole salad & of course vino. there were no snide remarks about all the cheesecake, cherry turnovers, apple fritter I ate since yesterday. there was no play begging me to put out afterwards. and there wasn't any talk of any ex's. I think he is a keeper.


02/11/2005 06:57 #34501

Freedom of Speech, Thought, Expression?
This sucks. &
There goes my chance to work for the Secret Service...

02/10/2005 21:11 #34500

My Funny Valentine...
Who needs chocolates, stuffed bears, fancy dinners with losers, or diamonds when you can make your own valentines sweetheart(or at least buy one)!!!

Here is mine.
I haven't given "it" (because it doesn't have to be a "he") a name yet other than Chamille's Ipod. We went on our first date today. We wore matching colors, green. I could hear the love in the sweet wispers that were music to my ears and I could see the twinkle in it's screen as it lit up with every shuffle. wow! I may be in love!!!! "sigh"


Hope your valentines is just as hot!
speaking of... I need some Barry White on this thing!!! hot diggitty!!!

02/08/2005 21:32 #34499

New Shoes II
Hey (e:Paul), I got new shoes too!!! Wore 'em to work today. These were my Innaugural Day Shoe Shopping Splurge.

Red Riding Hood...




02/07/2005 00:13 #34498

Super Bowl Sunday Sushi Snack
no chips and dip, no beer, no pizza and wings, no jerseys, no halftime show, no overpriced commercial ads...
Just Friends and Sushi!
Enjoyed Lunch (e:lilho) (e:paul) and unofficial (e:epeep) lisa !



