On my way to start new job. left old job friday. early birds are wow, just freakin' early!
I wonder how the new people will be?no time for thinking, must get dressed & leave in 30 mins. ciao!Have a Wonderful Monday all!!!
Southernyankee's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/24/2005 06:58 #34489
New day New Start...01/22/2005 15:29 #34488
Happy Birthday Paul!!!01/21/2005 23:25 #34487
finally friday.so i think i have broken the hiatus like a popped cherry.
maybe thats a bad example since there was no heavy hanky
panky going on. could have been. but i don't want to.
i think the reason i felt like i needed to break out of seclusion and swearing
off so as not to become bitter for one, to get out for seconds, and stop gaining
weight for thirds. the third one was really the first reason to be honest
I just don't know if I am up for the games and crap. and when I say crap
I mean crap. its all crap. the sacrificial homme of le nuit was nice overall,aside from the several sexual innuendos, touchy feeliness on the first true outing, but guess what, if you are seperated, you are still married buddy, doesn't matter what country the chick
lives in...
Despite that, it was an enjoyable evening if you didn't think about it. I mean I didn't
feel uncomfortable or anything, but it makes me wander whats going on in his head....
I have had friends whose parents never divorced but they both saw many other people.
I thought this to be strange, but I guess I am suppose to get with the times or hold true to my southern roots?
My friend has already warned me since I was all like apprehensive about him at first anyway. Is this yet another instance of "Hey, listen to your instincts not the wine!!!; STOP trying to see if in the end they will turn into Glenda the Good witch"
we will see what happens.
Overall, a nice eve out. I now have to stay home since I have been gone since wednesday. I avoided the innaugural procession. I instead pumped money into the poor economy on my day off. even though it was suppose to be a DO NOT SHOP DAY here.
I will have to post the blurry pics i took while out. Lots of texans with rancher hats, furs and bling. oh yeah, and they are obnoxious when intoxicated. "Where's those blonde twins with the big tits" one shouted while boarding the train packed full of passengers. how rude!!!
So I didn't want to be just as rude and take pictures of them like they were a freak show or something.
Oh and it was so cold the night before that I had to go into a porn shop to warm up.
it was very toasty and they had a bondage section that was off limits. full of all sorts of things, outfits, and apparatus...my, my...
maybe thats a bad example since there was no heavy hanky
panky going on. could have been. but i don't want to.
i think the reason i felt like i needed to break out of seclusion and swearing
off so as not to become bitter for one, to get out for seconds, and stop gaining
weight for thirds. the third one was really the first reason to be honest
I just don't know if I am up for the games and crap. and when I say crap
I mean crap. its all crap. the sacrificial homme of le nuit was nice overall,aside from the several sexual innuendos, touchy feeliness on the first true outing, but guess what, if you are seperated, you are still married buddy, doesn't matter what country the chick
lives in...
Despite that, it was an enjoyable evening if you didn't think about it. I mean I didn't
feel uncomfortable or anything, but it makes me wander whats going on in his head....
I have had friends whose parents never divorced but they both saw many other people.
I thought this to be strange, but I guess I am suppose to get with the times or hold true to my southern roots?
My friend has already warned me since I was all like apprehensive about him at first anyway. Is this yet another instance of "Hey, listen to your instincts not the wine!!!; STOP trying to see if in the end they will turn into Glenda the Good witch"
we will see what happens.
Overall, a nice eve out. I now have to stay home since I have been gone since wednesday. I avoided the innaugural procession. I instead pumped money into the poor economy on my day off. even though it was suppose to be a DO NOT SHOP DAY here.
I will have to post the blurry pics i took while out. Lots of texans with rancher hats, furs and bling. oh yeah, and they are obnoxious when intoxicated. "Where's those blonde twins with the big tits" one shouted while boarding the train packed full of passengers. how rude!!!
So I didn't want to be just as rude and take pictures of them like they were a freak show or something.
Oh and it was so cold the night before that I had to go into a porn shop to warm up.
it was very toasty and they had a bondage section that was off limits. full of all sorts of things, outfits, and apparatus...my, my...
01/18/2005 20:56 #34486
bike remedy?to ease the pain, I went for a bike ride. till I was afraid of being in the woods alone.

Needless to say the bike remedy for the prior post injury didn't work right away.
I need a new seat as my current seat causes major pain in the same continent.big_grin.
All better today!
Now I just need to get back into the swing of things exercise, getting out, etc.
This was my bike's introduction to it's new home. go figure. all those warm days had no influence on the wheels. The wheels decided the best time for initiation is when it freakin' cold out!
I am sick of attracting lame-o's!!!! No, really!!!!
no wit, no style, no personality

Needless to say the bike remedy for the prior post injury didn't work right away.
I need a new seat as my current seat causes major pain in the same continent.big_grin.
All better today!
Now I just need to get back into the swing of things exercise, getting out, etc.
This was my bike's introduction to it's new home. go figure. all those warm days had no influence on the wheels. The wheels decided the best time for initiation is when it freakin' cold out!
I am sick of attracting lame-o's!!!! No, really!!!!
no wit, no style, no personality
01/16/2005 13:04 #34485
kitty nightmare/realityI fell asleep last night watching south park and started to hear cat meows.
I also fell asleep with the balcony door open. The wind picked up and the vertical blinds
started to rattle. I thought cats had entered my abode through the balcony and were ready to attack! Yes, I live on the third floor. . .so, they can leap and fly sometimes, right?
In a panicked state, I tried to leap from my slumber and pulled a muscle in my most girly area. :(
I started yelling at the door "GET OUT CATS"
I felt dumb after I realized the cats were only on tv meowing !!!
They were having a party snorting cat nip like cocaine and drinking and such. Those crazy south park writers!
Now I have pain, yet I found the events quite humorous. However I was afraid to go back to sleep for a while as I really thought the cats were in the house and would lick me while I slept.
It's Good to laugh at your own stupidness from time to time.
there was no alcohol involved in the above written event(s)
No cats were harmed in this situation. (this time!)
I also fell asleep with the balcony door open. The wind picked up and the vertical blinds
started to rattle. I thought cats had entered my abode through the balcony and were ready to attack! Yes, I live on the third floor. . .so, they can leap and fly sometimes, right?
In a panicked state, I tried to leap from my slumber and pulled a muscle in my most girly area. :(
I started yelling at the door "GET OUT CATS"
I felt dumb after I realized the cats were only on tv meowing !!!
They were having a party snorting cat nip like cocaine and drinking and such. Those crazy south park writers!
Now I have pain, yet I found the events quite humorous. However I was afraid to go back to sleep for a while as I really thought the cats were in the house and would lick me while I slept.
It's Good to laugh at your own stupidness from time to time.
there was no alcohol involved in the above written event(s)
No cats were harmed in this situation. (this time!)