all this talk about chivalry & where has it gone:
The night before I dreamt that I was riding a deer, a deer!!!, and wrestled up a stallion(horse) by rope and rode into the woods, past a pool, past a baseball diamond where there were a lot of losers jeering at me, then I ended up at a television set where I knew the cast members; it was their last show or something. One of the guys was flirting in the way guys do when they pretend that they hate you and you hate them back for acting that way; In the end he comes over and smacks me on the arse like a term of affection or something; He expected me to respond to this like we were in elementary school. Yes, many boys did this in elementary school. Run up to the girl, smack her bum and expect you to chase them. Boys! & Stupid dreams.
But I really wonder what did riding the deer mean and why was I stringing along a stallion???
There are still gentlemen who will walk on the right side of me, open doors, and stand when I exit the table. I am southern y'all, it's a way of life down there when a man is brought up properly. I see these actions as kind gestures. Sure, I can get my own door, change my own tire, install my own pc, cut my own grass, and lay my own floor tile, and still be quite the lady. Most people don't teach "manners" these days.
And as far as there being equality, puhlease!!!! Some things will be looked upon as equal treatment, but in terms of relationships it is rarely treated equal. In the back of the mind there is still the expectation of who should be doing what because you are the woman and they are the man or whichever role one assumes in some cases.
Not everyone is like this, I realize. But sometimes finding the ones who aren't are like mining for your own damn diamonds.
But for those who are kind and quite chivalrous, keep being you, the kind acts never go unnoticed!
Southernyankee's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/20/2005 11:53 #34510
dumb dreams=?02/18/2005 22:15 #34508
weekend02/17/2005 20:34 #34507
whatever happen to:People being nice to one another just because. Yes it still happens here and there but why is it when you are nice to some people and they do something nice in return, they want a [size=xxl]BIG[/size] payback?
you are paid to carryout what you may deem as a favor and you lay the guilt trip on like you went out of your way for me... and then mix ideas in the same breath like" dinner/hotel!>?!?! WTF!!!
I need my own car fast.
<<1+ hr PAUSE>>
forget everything I said, The Bubble Bath made it all go away. Yay for bubble baths while you listen to Louis P. & Louis A. & Ella "Dream A Little Dream of me..."!!!! Its quite weird how I feel the need for these while posting lately.
you are paid to carryout what you may deem as a favor and you lay the guilt trip on like you went out of your way for me... and then mix ideas in the same breath like" dinner/hotel!>?!?! WTF!!!
I need my own car fast.
<<1+ hr PAUSE>>
forget everything I said, The Bubble Bath made it all go away. Yay for bubble baths while you listen to Louis P. & Louis A. & Ella "Dream A Little Dream of me..."!!!! Its quite weird how I feel the need for these while posting lately.
02/16/2005 20:17 #34506
Ride into the falls sunset Does anyone know how I can train for this:
? I am so out of shape .
_ '<,_
(_)/ (_)______
Thats a long way. I may need a new bike - A real snazzy one with chrome wheels and chrome brake discs!!!
Sounds cool though to ride from NYC to Buffalo/Niagara Falls. After that I doubt that I would want to ride in a van back here. Give me a Jet with Wings that can soar high, high above the clouds!
So I agree with (e:Ajay), why aren't there more hook ups from this site? or all they all on the D/L? Spring & Summer are nearing, we need another (e:Peeps) wedding!!! Although, nothing will compare to the wonderful union (e:Trisha) & (e:PaulnotPaul) shared with us.
(e:Jill) & (e:Mike), where's that gossip column at? That's why we need epeep night back. (e:DrClx), maybe you should have a more vocal position on the venue(s) selected and so it won't be so lame, as you say, here on out...
There have been some interesting things going on there in WNY; I haven't seen anyone use the calendar in a while: Whats up? It's winter, so what...get together and have a meet the new peeps night or something. Doesn't have to be weekly necessarily. We have an "in house" band, a "mad-funny" scientist, a deep diving spatial conceptualizer, a vocalist (spring faerie that's you!), several clothing designers,a soont o be loft interior designer(go for it Trish!), a superhero (mike that's you), ((now I am getting silly) gourmet meal preparers, video graphical artist, etc. But you get what I mean, I hope. We can do so much united together.
On a separate note, There were some messages from guest. So to answer one question: No apple did not require me to return the malfunctioning earbuds, as they were covered under a 90 day warranty. Ater using the new pair, I realize they quality is not so great, the new ones had some crackle in the one bud. seems ridiculous for such an overpriced item that could have had some really cool features that would totally outshine its competitors. oh well.

_ '<,_
(_)/ (_)______
Thats a long way. I may need a new bike - A real snazzy one with chrome wheels and chrome brake discs!!!
Sounds cool though to ride from NYC to Buffalo/Niagara Falls. After that I doubt that I would want to ride in a van back here. Give me a Jet with Wings that can soar high, high above the clouds!
So I agree with (e:Ajay), why aren't there more hook ups from this site? or all they all on the D/L? Spring & Summer are nearing, we need another (e:Peeps) wedding!!! Although, nothing will compare to the wonderful union (e:Trisha) & (e:PaulnotPaul) shared with us.
(e:Jill) & (e:Mike), where's that gossip column at? That's why we need epeep night back. (e:DrClx), maybe you should have a more vocal position on the venue(s) selected and so it won't be so lame, as you say, here on out...
There have been some interesting things going on there in WNY; I haven't seen anyone use the calendar in a while: Whats up? It's winter, so what...get together and have a meet the new peeps night or something. Doesn't have to be weekly necessarily. We have an "in house" band, a "mad-funny" scientist, a deep diving spatial conceptualizer, a vocalist (spring faerie that's you!), several clothing designers,a soont o be loft interior designer(go for it Trish!), a superhero (mike that's you), ((now I am getting silly) gourmet meal preparers, video graphical artist, etc. But you get what I mean, I hope. We can do so much united together.
On a separate note, There were some messages from guest. So to answer one question: No apple did not require me to return the malfunctioning earbuds, as they were covered under a 90 day warranty. Ater using the new pair, I realize they quality is not so great, the new ones had some crackle in the one bud. seems ridiculous for such an overpriced item that could have had some really cool features that would totally outshine its competitors. oh well.
02/15/2005 19:22 #34505
Here's Another Day to Thank!nothing to gripe about. Just a lovely day!!! Just because.
The sunrise was most amazing today - Orange Red Purple !!!! Just amazing.
Just thankful for experiencing another day.
I also received replacement buds from Apple today for the ones that broke sunday and some nice guys at work game me a pair of earphones too!
Everyone talked about what they did or planned to do yesterday for Valentines day; Well I planned to bake "slice and bake" cookies and make gift bags for my 53 co-workers. The heart shaped cookies didn't turn out quite the way I hoped, so I scraped that Idea and ate the remnants.
Later I planned to actually leave work timely and not get home @ 7pm. That also didn't work out as I hoped, but still worked out just as well. Rainy rushour traffic. So many people and limos out last night. I wonder if people made it to their destinations or spent the evening in a car on the highway?
So anyway, I still got home@ 7, yet made a wonderful Cajun Alfredo Shrimp dish set atop Angel Hair pasta nests. Garlic, Chives, one Vine Tomato, old bay, fresh parmesean, butter & heavy cream! Deliciouso!!! oh and don't forget the shiraz!
I had a date with myself last evening. How fun!!! Hope everyone else had a nice evening too!
The sunrise was most amazing today - Orange Red Purple !!!! Just amazing.
Just thankful for experiencing another day.
I also received replacement buds from Apple today for the ones that broke sunday and some nice guys at work game me a pair of earphones too!
Everyone talked about what they did or planned to do yesterday for Valentines day; Well I planned to bake "slice and bake" cookies and make gift bags for my 53 co-workers. The heart shaped cookies didn't turn out quite the way I hoped, so I scraped that Idea and ate the remnants.
Later I planned to actually leave work timely and not get home @ 7pm. That also didn't work out as I hoped, but still worked out just as well. Rainy rushour traffic. So many people and limos out last night. I wonder if people made it to their destinations or spent the evening in a car on the highway?
So anyway, I still got home@ 7, yet made a wonderful Cajun Alfredo Shrimp dish set atop Angel Hair pasta nests. Garlic, Chives, one Vine Tomato, old bay, fresh parmesean, butter & heavy cream! Deliciouso!!! oh and don't forget the shiraz!
I had a date with myself last evening. How fun!!! Hope everyone else had a nice evening too!