Here're my survey results, Paul :)
1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?
-I actually found out about estrip through the Beast's blog. In a strange twist of fate, they were bashing Artvoice and either
(e:Jason) or
(e:Joshua) (can't remember which one of you Larsons..sorry..) was defending a point and mentioned estrip. So I came to check it out and have been around since...
2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
-Most of my friends don't family definately doesn't know (not that I think they could find it anyway..)...coworkers and boss...not unless they're tracking my work net usage. lol I use my real name in entries, etc...and there are real photos of me in my journal.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
-Hmmm...I'd say 10 or 12.
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
-I don't think that it's "changed" the way I meet people...but it has certainly supplemented it. I don't think I would have met quite the array of people that I have if it wasn't for estrip.
5. How has estrip affected you love life?'d have to ask this one, eh? I think it's affected it to at least a small degree. I've met a couple of people....been on dates and semi-dates. Interesting times with fun people overall.
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
-from Western NY/Yes
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
-No...I barely know how to fully utilize my cell's normal
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
-Estrip has become one of my "must visit" daily sites. I usually spend a couple of hours total each day hanging around and reading journals. Most of the time is at work/during the day.
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
-4 or 5 usually...
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
-I think it's definately opened my eyes and given me an "in" to a group of people I may not normally have been a part of.
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
-I don't necessarily think that it has affected the way I spend my free time...I still do pretty much the same things I used to, I just write about them now.
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
-Probably journaling habits tend to be more restricted than others. That is, I tend to only write when I feel that something has "happened", an event of some sort, etc.
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
-It has probably killed my I think I tend to write a bit more coloquially now...and ignore every rule of grammar.
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
-No other online journals.
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?
-No...and I don't forsee it happening.
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why?
awee, the jetta. Still holding up after hauling you and all your worldy belonging 3000 miles away..
I like the new look; she's lookin' good.