Yes - Oregon is so exciting that it's been 5 years since I visited last.
Anybody still around from the "olden days"?
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09/14/2011 23:07 #55154
Hmmm - 5 year hiatus - not bad ;)07/25/2006 11:57 #33908
More Silly SealsCategory: photos
Another late day trip on the bay....this time, the seals were a tad more cooperative. (Many getting close enough to splash me as they flipped over in dives...) Without further's the best I can

The last one you probably can't make them all out, but there are six seal heads in the shot.
During the paddle, we also scared up a bunch of gulls....

All-around it was another good day in Oregon...

The last one you probably can't make them all out, but there are six seal heads in the shot.
During the paddle, we also scared up a bunch of gulls....

All-around it was another good day in Oregon...
metalpeter - 07/26/06 19:32
I love the suicide girls, If i ever joined a paysite on line they are about the only one I would join. All those tats and piercings, ok I gotta stop before I get all worked up.
I love the suicide girls, If i ever joined a paysite on line they are about the only one I would join. All those tats and piercings, ok I gotta stop before I get all worked up.
vincent - 07/25/06 12:54
That is really beautiful. The next time I'm on Pacific Time I'll have to skip out on a day or two in Vegas and stop by and say Hi. Maybe I'll run into a Suicide Girl!!! j/k
That is really beautiful. The next time I'm on Pacific Time I'll have to skip out on a day or two in Vegas and stop by and say Hi. Maybe I'll run into a Suicide Girl!!! j/k
07/24/2006 14:07 #33907
More Pics/WeekendCategory: oregon
So...we decided to try and find a nice new spot to paddle yesterday. We headed down to Tenmile Creek beach and this is what it looked like yesterday....

After seeing that...we decided it may not have been the best day to put in there. So, off we went to our usual beach. didn't look much better...however, I decided to give it a shot anyway.
Here I am in full wetsuit

So..then I decided to head's one of me (you can just see me out there with my paddle raised) cresting a wave...

Needless to say..with the way the surf was, I was only out there for about half an hour before I got sick of battling the ocean.
So..we headed home...after feeling slightly dejected, I decided we should head out to the bay and see if I could get some seal shots before sunset. Of course, the second the seals found out I had a camera in hand, they all became incredibly camera shy. This is the best pic I could get (you can just see the little seal head if you look along the water surface right in the centre of the pic...)

And here's a second...the silhouette is the seal's head as he cruised next to my boat...

Of course, after getting those "fabulous" shots, I decided to get grouchy and put the camera back in the dry bag and continue my paddle. And also, of course, the second I did that, the seals were more than happy to get within 5 feet of the boat and start frolicking....stupid mammals. I'll get them If it kills me, I'll have good seal pics up here in the near
After all that, I decided to snap one last pic of the sunset over the point and call it a night.....(not the best sunset..the fog/mist was rolling in and the sun was setting over the point...but it'll do until I get a nice sunset pic from Ona Beach...;) )
Cheers from Oregon....

After seeing that...we decided it may not have been the best day to put in there. So, off we went to our usual beach. didn't look much better...however, I decided to give it a shot anyway.
Here I am in full wetsuit

So..then I decided to head's one of me (you can just see me out there with my paddle raised) cresting a wave...

Needless to say..with the way the surf was, I was only out there for about half an hour before I got sick of battling the ocean.
So..we headed home...after feeling slightly dejected, I decided we should head out to the bay and see if I could get some seal shots before sunset. Of course, the second the seals found out I had a camera in hand, they all became incredibly camera shy. This is the best pic I could get (you can just see the little seal head if you look along the water surface right in the centre of the pic...)

And here's a second...the silhouette is the seal's head as he cruised next to my boat...

Of course, after getting those "fabulous" shots, I decided to get grouchy and put the camera back in the dry bag and continue my paddle. And also, of course, the second I did that, the seals were more than happy to get within 5 feet of the boat and start frolicking....stupid mammals. I'll get them If it kills me, I'll have good seal pics up here in the near
After all that, I decided to snap one last pic of the sunset over the point and call it a night.....(not the best sunset..the fog/mist was rolling in and the sun was setting over the point...but it'll do until I get a nice sunset pic from Ona Beach...;) )
Cheers from Oregon....

mrmike - 07/24/06 14:18
pretty cool, despite the camera shy seals
pretty cool, despite the camera shy seals
07/20/2006 11:04 #33906
MoregonCategory: photos
Here's a couple of shots of the beach we've been launching from to head out to the ocean and one of the Jetta decked

The surf yesterday wasn't that spectacular...4-5 ft max...nothing overly fun to ride until you got out past the surf line and into the swells....I'll try and grab a couple of shots on a windier/wavier day...
I'll grab a couple of the seals this afternoon too when I'm out and about...

The surf yesterday wasn't that spectacular...4-5 ft max...nothing overly fun to ride until you got out past the surf line and into the swells....I'll try and grab a couple of shots on a windier/wavier day...
I'll grab a couple of the seals this afternoon too when I'm out and about...
theecarey - 07/24/06 21:36
awee, the jetta. Still holding up after hauling you and all your worldy belonging 3000 miles away..
I like the new look; she's lookin' good.
awee, the jetta. Still holding up after hauling you and all your worldy belonging 3000 miles away..
I like the new look; she's lookin' good.
06/26/2006 13:37 #33904
Crazy AustinCategory: help!
Okay...welcome to Crazy Austin's House of Deals. No reasonable offer refused!!
I need to get rid of my stuff...somebody make me some kind of offer on the furniture!! lol
Help a brother out...everything that was posted before is still available!!!
I need to get rid of my stuff...somebody make me some kind of offer on the furniture!! lol
Help a brother out...everything that was posted before is still available!!!
theecarey - 06/26/06 15:43
for the dozenth time.. NO, my garage does_not_ need a couch, lol ;)
but I will be getting in touch soon..
for the dozenth time.. NO, my garage does_not_ need a couch, lol ;)
but I will be getting in touch soon..
Don't feel too bad - the more things change, the more they stay the same - I'm still in a college town (Eugene) and I still live in a neighborhood a lot like Elmwood (the Whiteaker). Just more coffee, less snow, and a slightly more liberal lean. ;)
I'm jealous. I am still trapped in buffalo.