I got back into my ide but left the browser window open. When I went back, 3000 queries later, the system has drawn me this image based off the following basic colorization code, a little surebert and some error magic.

Here is the tiny simple code that made it happen
function mv(obj,x,y,z){
obj = $(id);
obj.style.left = x +'px';
obj.style.top = y +'px';
function rand(min,max){
min = min || 0;
max = max || 100;
return Math.floor(Math.random()*max+min);
function randColor(grey){
if(grey == 1){
grey = rand(0,255);
return "rgb("+grey+","+grey+","+grey+")";
} else {
return "rgb("+rand(0,255)+","+rand(0,255)+","+rand(0,255)+")";
I love graphics programming, because both bugs and proof-of-concept code make the most aesthetic errors. At my last job I actually printed out and hung up out some graphics I had drawn with some code I'd written that was totally, hopelessly wrong, because it looked so cool.
- Z