I am at the infotech niagara show/thing at the convention center. The synacor people talked to me again about leaving my job. They said they hired Mike Cooke, one of my (not very reliable but talented) former students.
Nothing here is interesting. Geico, verizon. We didn't know we were supposed to have a stand.
This won best web site in western NY

There is a serious problem with that because it is not the best web site by any means. It looks like a student project and has very little content.
At least the snacks are good.
Ingram micro was giving out fans. They were seriouslt the lmaest ever. They came with a screwdriver to open the battery pack, but unfortunately the screwdriver was the wrong size for the escrew. Why not a latch. They also doubled as a radio. Who needs a cell phone size mini fan/radio. What total crap!
The whole evening was pretty lame. It seemed like a bunch of people that paid a lot of money to be in a group to give each other awards. None of the people nominated were outside the group it seemed. At least the food was pretty good.
The only cool thing I learned was about a group called myhealthfinder.com

. They have compiled lots of useful health care data per hospital compared to state average. So you can see which hospital to go to and which ones not to go to. The devloper was showsing us the graphs and was like, if I was having a heart attack I wouldn't go to this one because its way off the charts. You would probably die.
Looking at the graphs and stars Kenmore Mercy looks like a bad choice for just about everything. Its funny that they are based on gold stars
God DAMN, all that for $6 - I'm definitely going to lunch at Roswell!