Another exceptional day at work. I don't know how long this feeling will last but I really like my job and the coworkers.
Today I decided to ditch VbScript in favor of JScript. What an improvement! I like being able to write in the same language both server and client side, although, frankly, I think we are selling ourselves short by not using PHP 5.
I can now do everything I need to to begin making stuff. Tomorrow I will tackle the Blackberry.
Paul's Journal
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12/06/2005 19:23 #32387
Work, work work, yaCategory: work
12/05/2005 17:45 #32386
I love my job/lifeCategory: work
I love my new job. By the end of the day I was writing production viable vbscript using classes to validate input like zip code with and without extensions and all the different flavors of phone numbers. I also got put in charge of crackberry and mobile development.
Best of all I got my schedule changed to 10 to 6:30 and I am able to write this walking home from my supermobile while listening to live streaming radio.

Best of all I got my schedule changed to 10 to 6:30 and I am able to write this walking home from my supermobile while listening to live streaming radio.

12/05/2005 14:58 #32385
visual basic logicCategory: programming
strComp is a visual basic string manipulation function that compares the contents of two strings. When they are equal it returns 0. Yes, that is a zero, known everwhere else as false.
ajay - 12/05/05 19:51
Ah, but if it is doing a comparison (and not an equality check), then the result could be negative (if first string is less than the second), 0 (if they are equal) or positive (if first is greater than the second). Think of it as the "<=>" operator. For example, the comparison function in Unix's qsort() routine does the same thing.
Ah, but if it is doing a comparison (and not an equality check), then the result could be negative (if first string is less than the second), 0 (if they are equal) or positive (if first is greater than the second). Think of it as the "<=>" operator. For example, the comparison function in Unix's qsort() routine does the same thing.
12/05/2005 12:09 #32384
visual basic is ugly but easyCategory: programming
This morning I am studying visual basic while my computer is offline.
It is so primitive looking.

It is so primitive looking.

ajay - 12/05/05 14:21
Look at it this way: if it's easy, you'll have more time to play around ;)
Look at it this way: if it's easy, you'll have more time to play around ;)
12/05/2005 10:30 #32383
it's going goodCategory: work
Fortunately, the schedule is variable. I will be developing mobile stuff for the crackberry.
Vbscript is ugly . It reminds me of programming the basic stamp. end if, lol
Vbscript is ugly . It reminds me of programming the basic stamp. end if, lol
I love that feeling of loving your new job and the people you work with.