So I got my dream phone today

. It does everything I wanted it too accept flash right now. The pictures are great and the picture mode is so spytastic as you can turn off the sounds. There is a one button take picture and one button record audio button. It has a keyboard.
We went to sprint and
(e:terry) and
(e:matthew) got cell phones today too. We ended up with a family plan. With eLterry's government discount we pay about $70/month and we share 400 minutes, 100 text messages and I have really fast internet. They have free internet right now and have a month to decide if they want it. I hope they keep it because then they can use the site mobilly also.
Slowly the site is more and more a mobile entity as I always hoped for.
We started the day buying new cell phones.
I foudn these polish cookies that I would have sworn were Italian. Maybe Nonna learned hwo to make them in America.
Has anyone tried monkfish before. It looks really yummy but it is expensive.
We bought another shipload of $400 in groceries. They all taste so yummy.
We probably should not have watched Willy Wonky and the Chocolate Factory before going grocery shopping. There is about a pound of chocolate sponge candy under the groceries.
The one thing that weirds me out about the camera is that it came with this picture on it marked 8/1/2005 but the camera did not even get release untill just recently so what is up with that. Did a developer take it? It came new fatcory sealed fromt he factory.
i was the girl in the pink coat.
next time find me and say hi
I havn't tried streaming Radio in a long time. The few times I tried it the stations would stop working for some unknown reason. As soon as buffering starts then it becomes annoying. On another note I have never met Val. She sounds like she is a preaty cool chick from what i have heard on The EDGE.