Forest Lawn Cemetary With Matt and Katie Category: nature
I went over to Forest Lawn Cemetery with (e:Matthew) so he could take pictures for his journal [inlink]matthew,662[/inlink]. While we were there Katie found us at the Lake.
I cannot believe how many pictures my phones holds. At 640x480 resolution, it can hold 11666 pics. At 1152x768 it can hold 2,400 pics. That seems amazing and the quality is not too shabby. I still am ready to trad eit in for one with a keyboard. Maybe not trade but I wouldn't mind having a second phone with a keyboard. I could just share one account.
This person is from Maine but they love Buffalo. I thought that it was a nice shoutout for our home city.
A lot of the trip looked like this because I kept driving to new places to chase the sun.
Here I am with the Nokia
11/04/2005 12:44 #32326
New Job Category: work
So as some of you probably remember I was so stressed out when I found out that Erik, the new Prof at Canisius, did not have his MFA, something that I was told was a pre-requisite for the job and I spent tens of thousands of dollars and 3 years working non-stop on at their request. When he told me he didn't have one, I was seriously blown away as it seems like every school in the country expects an MFA for any art teacher. Either an MFA or a PHD. I guess Canisius doesn't have very high education standards, they care more about business. I suppose that should have been obvious considering the blunder with Mr. Wolfe a couple years back. He seriously had no idea what he was talking about. THere was even a point when students filed a petition to have him removed.
The final straw was at the faculty meeting last week when the new fantasy full time lab director position got pushed back from spring 2006 to fall 2006. It really made me lose hope. I mean I gave them five years of my all and I just wanted a full-time job with health insurance. Considering that education cost about ~30,000 a year for full tuition/dorm students I can't believe that they are too poor.
Reading my journal about the sadness concerning the sitution [inlink]paul,3909[/inlink] prompted (e:nicholas) to bring me a newpaper clipping with jobs [inlink]paul,3910[/inlink] , which lead to the interview, which lead to the job. Thank you nick, you will have a special place in my world forever.
So this is the message I was talking about getting last night on my previous entry [inlink]paul,3959[/inlink].
I barely slept last night because it was all I could think about. When I woke up at 9am, which I better get used to fast, I called and found out I did in fact get the job. I am so excited because the job itself sounds really fun, not to mention that it pays really well and includes health insurance, which everyone knows was my pre-requisite for a job.
Thanks (e:ajay) and George Johnson for writing me recommendation letter although (e:ajay), yours never arrived according to Roswell.
Now (e:strip) and rememberbuffalo can finally have there own server!
this makes me believe that there is still good in the world.
you so deserve this!
love, alison.
matthew - 11/04/05 14:54 Congratulations Paul! I'm proud of you! although cancer doctors are evil, they're probably less evil to work for than Christians. Maybe i can finally pay back some of that $80,000 i(we) owe Roswell. :)
After making this someone pointed out that it is reminiscent of a Rene Magritte, I had never heard of Magritte before but there is no way to deny it looks very similar.
robin - 11/04/05 00:56 I met a greek guy named costas the other night. He was with a mexican named pancho. We played pool and smoked weed at the Falcon, and they told me that I am muy guapo.
11/03/2005 20:16 #32323
Lunch on Elmwood Category: elmwood
Today I went to Globe Market for lunch with katie and (e:mathew). It was tasty as usual. Poor (e:matthew) could only eat salad. I can't imagine being gluten intolerant. I feel bad for him.
We saw our landlords on the way in and I was able to tell them I was not running a meth lab as they thought but that (e:mike) is just recycling all the pill bottles from Eckert where he works because they don't recycle there. The landlord seemed really happy about this. First because there was no meth lab, lol and secondly because she is so into recycling. It made her smile.
While driving there I took these two totally non-artistic straight on pics of elmwood outside globe. I wonder what they will reveal when we look back on them in ten years.
Tick, tock, tick ,tock do I have a job. I am going to die waiting to find out.
mike - 04/10/13 23:05 it hasn't been ten years but looking at his ipc now, plum pudding, blockbuster, wilson farms and new world records are all no longer in buisness.
Hey Paul!
Congratulations on the job!!! That is fucking awesome! I'm so glad you are out of Canisius. Good Luck!
:o) Matt
Hey Paul!
Congratulations on the job!!! That is fucking awesome! I'm so glad you are out of Canisius. Good Luck!
:o) Matt
Congrats! This is great news! Lookin' forward to the tales of this new adventure..
Hurray! Time for a new Rocking chair for Matthew.
Congrats, Paul! I'm sure you will dazzle them at your new job :)
What?? I emailed them the letter of reccomendation! I didn't get a bounced email back, so I assumed it went through.
This is so typical Roswell. I'm very happy for you, (e:Paul), but that is one seriously screwed up organization.
Congrats Paul.
(e:leetee) and I are both very happy for you. In fact, she jumped up and down and clapped and yelled "yay! paul!!"
I hope your new job is everything you want it to be and even more.
Congratulations, Paul.
this makes me believe that there is still good in the world.
you so deserve this!
love, alison.
Congratulations Paul! I'm proud of you! although cancer doctors are evil, they're probably less evil to work for than Christians. Maybe i can finally pay back some of that $80,000 i(we) owe Roswell. :)
Congratulations Paulo! That's awesome!