(e:lilho) and I met up with
(e:shawnr) [inlink]shawnr,144[/inlink] to go see the virtual reality demo at the coit house. I think it is tomorrow night too. I made the environment and character models for the last environment "The trial the trail."
We saw
The Thing Growing
the Trial The Trail 
and another one called
The show was part of the infringement festival. Dave Pape

made a pretty cool new VR piece in 24 hours. It mapped out your dancing and made music. It was pretty rad. It was nice to see my models alive. I look forward to continueswork on that project in the fall.
We also got to see josephine and dave's new baby. She is so cute.
The coit house is for sale for 149,000, it is a pretty great space

. The oldest house in Buffalo, the Coit house (built 1813)

was moved from Pearl street to Virginia in 1863. I'll post a link to it when I get back to the comp.
Today I also found all these george bush spray painted icons on elmwood. I wonder who made them.
I have very strong feelings about this shit because I've been the guy who has been cheated on, mistreated, abused, and kicked to the curb. I absolutely HATE when someone uses someone else as a means to an end - whether it's as "innocent" as scamming drinks off a guy, or whether it is something akin to this Soyeon situation, it bothers me to the core. People who think they don't need to be accountable to anyone else are shitheads. Nuff said.