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08/07/2005 08:00 #32154

You make me want to puke
Category: war

Thinking about the sheer number of civilians and military that died that day anybody with a heart would feel their heart sink to their feet. On the other hand - ...
Quoted from (e:Joshua)

I was going to ignore this but I just couldn't. Joshua, I have honestly lost all respect for you. I have tried to put aside political differences we have had in order to try and see past the party lines into the man you are. However, today I remained both stunned and puzzled at you total lack of compassion. On a day when people are remembering the intense suffering of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, you are going to justify the reasons why incinerating an entire city with an nuclear bomb was an appropriate response? You sound like Osama bin Laden justifying that it was necessary to kill all of the civilians in the world trade center.

I would rather give up my freedom or just die than be responsible or even justify the death of all of those innocent people. It is never reasonable to kill hundreds of thousands of people at once. It is never reasonable to kill civilians.

What makes me even more upset is that I am sure you only offer that sentiment today as a way of getting attention for yourself as you know it would inflame people. This may be an incorrect assumption on my part but honestly, but I cannot imagine why, on such a day of remembrance, that anyone would pull out the same tiresome rationale for mass death that we have already heard since 9th grade global studies It makes me sick, almost as sick as the fact that the pilot for the Enola Gay, was at a 1997 book signing in Vegas for his book about it. I think he should have been tried for crimes against humanity.

Account of the bombing and aftermath by a catholic priest

Beneath the wreckage of the houses along the way, many have been trapped and they scream to be rescued from the oncoming flames. They must be left to their fate. The way to the place in the city to which one desires to flee is no longer open and one must make for Asano Park. Fukai does not want to go further and remains behind. He has not been heard from since. In the park, we take refuge on the bank of the river. A very violent whirlwind now begins to uproot large trees, and lifts them high into the air. As it reaches the water, a waterspout forms which is approximately 100 meters high. The violence of the storm luckily passes us by. Some distance away, however, where numerous refugees have taken shelter, many are blown into the river. Almost all who are in the vicinity have been injured and have lost relatives who have been pinned under the wreckage or who have been lost sight of during the flight. There is no help for the wounded and some die. No one pays any attention to a dead man lying nearby.Quoted from: Hiroshima -- August 6th, 1945 | The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | Historical Documents |

Account of the bombing from the pilot's perspective




"Having found the bomb we have used it. We have used it against those who attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American prisoners of war, against those who have abandoned all pretense of obeying international laws of warfare. We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans."
("Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S Truman, 1945", pg. 212).

Do you think Truman was refering to this charred little girl?

joshua - 08/07/05 08:00
As for why I insisted you reread what I wrote, I said "on the other hand" and not "but" - which implies a weighing of the two points I noted followed by an evaluation...NOT justification aka. the death of civilians and the 4 points I listed. No justification. I was crystal clear that I didn't think the ends justified the means. You put words in my mouth and/or interpreted what I said incorrectly. You are being unfair and dishonest with me and I expect an apology... although I fear pride will dictate that I won't get the apology.
paul - 08/07/05 01:16
I have no idea where you could be going with this, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that there is some greater reasoning behind it.
joshua - 08/07/05 01:02
You are being silly.... read my next post.

08/06/2005 20:29 #32153

turkish yummy
Category: food
On our way to eat at Sahara Grill we passed by the old Sofra. Did anyone else eat at Sofra before it closed? We went once with (e:flacidness) but it was mega overpriced. I got a tiny amount of lamb and a tiny rice pryamid for $16. To make it weirder, the prices on the inside far exceeded the prices on the menu outside.


Now that they are closed down, the put up a sign saying that it is ideal for just about any ethnic restaurant. I wonder what makes the restaurant so unsuitable for american food. After all, it used to be a soda shop. (E:mike) says that is included in etc. Hahaha.

joshua - 08/06/05 20:29
To be honest I wasn't all that impressed with Safra. For the cost of the meal it wasn't all that great... its interesting to see someone else agree! I've wanted to go to Sahara Grill for a while... whats the review? If its good I def. want to check it out when I'm home.
jason - 08/06/05 18:48
It seems like a black hole of a restaurant location. Every place that's there ends up closing in less than a year. What's up with that?

08/07/2005 01:34 #32152

alitalia - italy's world airlines
I also snagged brand new matching green and white Alitalia Airline
bags for (e:lilho) and (e:hodown) and a giant set of dishes for (e:lilho).

hodown - 08/07/05 01:34
omg I want that bag!!!

08/06/2005 16:02 #32151

landlording work
Category: renting
Today while I should have been finishing up my thesis, I instead had to attend to numerous amount of landlording tasks. (E:matthew) and (e:terry) and I moved so much crap. There were numerous dressers, nightstands, coffee tables, end tables, a 700 lb solid iron washing machine down 3 flights of stairs. Luckily we got a brand new double size matress out of it, and an end table, coffee table set.

I also took apart a motion detector for further study. (E:terry) and my dad worked on a chair for three millions hours and then threw it out.

On monday we get our first rent money. Hopefully, it will make it worth it.


08/05/2005 22:14 #32150

day of vr with shawnr and co
Category: estrip
(E:terry), (e:lilho) and I met up with (e:shawnr) [inlink]shawnr,144[/inlink] to go see the virtual reality demo at the coit house. I think it is tomorrow night too. I made the environment and character models for the last environment "The trial the trail."

We saw The Thing Growing the Trial The Trail and another one called metaspace.

The show was part of the infringement festival. Dave Pape made a pretty cool new VR piece in 24 hours. It mapped out your dancing and made music. It was pretty rad. It was nice to see my models alive. I look forward to continueswork on that project in the fall.

We also got to see josephine and dave's new baby. She is so cute.


The coit house is for sale for 149,000, it is a pretty great space . The oldest house in Buffalo, the Coit house (built 1813) was moved from Pearl street to Virginia in 1863. I'll post a link to it when I get back to the comp.


Today I also found all these george bush spray painted icons on elmwood. I wonder who made them.
