I am sorrry the picture for this blog were taken with my crappy sidekick1. Someday I will get a better phone. Basically, we were interviewed about a group problem we were having last week. The problme being, deciding on and moving into a home. The process involved lots of paper products. I probably wrote out about 130 post-its. I think the process really needs to be digitlized. In the end we decided on the home that we had decided on before, but we feel much more confident about the decision. Thanks Katie.

For part of the study, we had to look at these pics. After we completed looking at each level of the picture, we had to guess what we thought it was. For the first three stages I guessed the following.
1. Priests looking at Jesus

2. Priests looking at Jesus and a stained glass window.

3. Priests looking at Jesus dressed as a woman.

The poor also end up leaving school with little to no debt (at least if they went to UB). Colleges like to charge a lot so they can have huge research budgets and attract the top people in their fields. I think the Ivy Leagues and other very expensive schools are classist in that respect.