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07/19/2005 18:47 #32109

What landlording sounds like
Category: renting


Here is (e:matthew) smashing out a cabinet, that needs to be replaced. Check out his triceps.


07/19/2005 18:33 #32108

Maybe I should just [se|ki]ll myself
Category: money
Student loans. So owing the money isn't the big part, it is paying the interest back too. Apparently, I owe $58,180.39 for grad school + $20,000 for undergrad.

With interest that the grad school amount comes to $68,075 and this is after (e:terry) consolidated it and with me paying $566.92 per month till 2016.

Another friend of mine who doesn't even have an undergraduate degree makes about 3-4 times as much as I do. But what makes me even more crazy is thinking about all the rich people whose parents could afford to pay for their schooling. How am I supposed to compete with them. They now have all of their salaries to invest in things like a business and mortage/investments while I am going to end up paying about $700/month in student loans.

There's definitely a class system at work here, as well: Rich kids whose parents paid for their Ivy League educations start off their adult lives debt-free; the rest of us desperately trying to avoid middle-class poverty are stuck treading water.
Quoted from: The Case for Student Loan Amnesty

jason - 07/19/05 18:33
The poor also end up leaving school with little to no debt (at least if they went to UB). Colleges like to charge a lot so they can have huge research budgets and attract the top people in their fields. I think the Ivy Leagues and other very expensive schools are classist in that respect.

07/18/2005 20:58 #32107

Working Hard Till Thursday
Category: renting
Finshed painting the bathtub and cabinet and capped the spickettes. The bathroom is now complete. We also packed stuff in boxes and Iscrapped the old paint to add some new paint. I am tired of it but it looks like our tenant will move in on Thursday night and it will be over for a little while at least.

The washing machine is 500 lbs and is waiting to kill me when it falls down three flights of stairs.






07/18/2005 18:05 #32106

Another Day Landlording
Category: renting
So I thought I would be able to have been done writing my thesis by now. i was quite wrong. I never anticipated how much time landlording takes. Today I had to paint the bathroom cabinet, fix the shower, cap the pipes, and paint the tub. Then I scraped paint from a part of the house and want to begin painting ASAP. It is so time consuming.

I forgot the sidekick I piece of crap phone so I don't have any pictures of today's progress. You will just have to beleiev me that it occurred ;)
leetee - 07/18/05 18:05
Good luck Paul. I know how much work all of that stuff is, since we did a ton of it before we listed our house in Knoxville. And btw, i belive you that it all occured... i guess you could say i have faith. :O)

07/17/2005 21:12 #32105

The mini mansion
Category: property
Here is a pic of the house I was talking about before. We really want t to move here but I think I would have a hard time leaving linwood.








leetee - 07/17/05 21:12
i agree... very nice mini mansion....
uncutsaniflush - 07/17/05 20:01
Wow, paul that house looks great (and also vaguely familar).

I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave linwood, but that is a great looking house. I bet you guys could make it a great home.