In this case I am refering to the code running the site and not the site or community itself.
I think after some time documenting and organzing I am going to make an
(e:strip) lite that is totally open source and comes with an installer. It is already pretty simply customizeable, it will just require some cleaning up and some documenting. I mean, for many communities it would be exactly the thing they need to maintain contact without having to program anything. It pretty much just requires PHP and MySQL and what doesn't these days. Wel all the RoR stuff I guess.
My biggest concern is security. I just don't like everyone knowing how this site works because I feel it gives them a major advantage if they wanted to ever hack it. That has consisently been my problem with open source projects. Also, I hate giving up control of something that is so my little baby. Another thing that kills is that I can't stand the fact that people will some how profit off my my hard work.
I know that technically I can make it so that people can't legally use my code for for-profit endeavours but that doesn't mean anything. I have seen so many of my students just rip code off the net for commercial projects and just take the credits out. Hell, I have even seen other professors using non-commerical open source code for commercial projects with the idea that no one will ever know what's going on behind the scenes. It makes me want to kill.
Thanks Jason, I think I am worth much more than $30k also but I have a hard time finding a job in Buffalo that I am also ethically ok with that pays me more than that.
P.S. I am sure we can win without cheating!
I think it's just the answers that load dynamically, and you're totally right -- the list is way too long for questions. In fact, did you notice the blank answer slots? That's because people mark add another selection, type in their selection, inadvertently hit Enter, then go back and continue filling it out and hit Submit. When you go back to the page, it takes away the entry you added in the text box, but leaves in the command to add another choice... But I have been consistently disappointed with the ArtVoice website since moving here...
i started filling it out, but i got impatient with the questions. I haven't been in Buffalo long enough to even know what some of my answers would be. Walt and i decided we would do it together soon... i reckon we can take shifts. lol
fuck no paul, you are worth way more than $30k in my honest opinion. Anyway I wasn't aware people were having problems with it. It would be so easy to just create a page and have it submit the proper form every so often. Not that I'm advocating that or anything.