SAN FRANCISCO, July 13 (Reuters) - The maker of the video game, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, said on Wednesday that hackers were responsible for a downloadable modification that enabled sexually explicit minigames to be played in the game.
The modification, which allows simulated sex in the PC version of the game, has led to an investigation by the industry ratings board.
Rockstar Games, a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, said that it was investigating ways to increase the security protection of the source code and prevent the game from being altered.Quoted from: Hackers Modify PC Game - New York Times![]()
Apparently, the company wrote the scene but then removed it from the game. Someone then leaked a code to the internet that re-enabled the scene. I read Hillary Clinton is taking the company Rockstar to court. If that is true, it is outrageous does she not have better issues to deal with right now like the fact we have no money upstate and our hospitals are having to store medical waste becaus ethe company thats take sit refuses to take any more till they get paid. Furthermore, the game is already pretty violent and questionable, so parents who are even concerned about sex scenes in the game should really already be worried that their kids are even playing the game in the first place.
Also, if you think about the fact that kids have to download this code from the internet in order to see the sexually explicit modifications then have to also consider they have pretty unlimited internet access and can download any other sexually explicit stuff they want. I guarntee if a kid is about to download and install a sexually explicit patch onto a video game they can type sex into google image search with filtering disabled.
I hate to write this for fear that someone picks up on it, but should google be sued for enabling minors to get sexually explicit material. I mean maybe you should have to enter in a credit card number or your ID to get sexually explicit search results. Think about that. If you were 16 and went to the corner store and paged through a hustler magazine or tried to buy one, the store could seriously get in trouble, right?
i agree. i think there are much better ways Hillary could be spending her energy. how can we trust a woman when it comes to issues of sexuality if she took back her cheating husband anyway?
but another point is why hide sexuality from children in the first place? is there something wrong with sexuality? if it weren't so hidden, it wouldn't be so taboo and therefore, no one would care if a child saw something sexual. it would be mundane every day, ho hum. personally, i would rather a child walk in on his/her parents making love than in a fist fight any day!!
You're so fucking right!! And everyone thinks Hillary is such a great Senator. Huh? Yeah, Hillary, I bet that shit you promised for WNY is coming any day now. Anyhow I agree there are so many other issues that are of much more importance to us. Grrrrr!