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06/21/2005 15:34 #32043

Wish List
Category: artvoice
The two things I want more than anything right now are a good job with health benefits (so I can finally afford to go to the doctor's for a physical and checkup, get my teeth cleaned,etc.) and (e:twisted) to come home. Next in line is to finish my thesis, have the site written about in artvoice, finish (e:matthew) 's photography site, get a faster server, finish GF! and relax.

06/21/2005 15:09 #32042

48 hours later
I just had a 48 hour progrmaming freak-a-thon. Now I need to exercise and then quit this so I can move onto my thesis. I can't stop with thye stupid javascript. It is so freakin' fun. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I think it is that I don't want to read.

06/20/2005 16:19 #32041

At The Park - Happy 1500th for me!
(e:terry) and I headed down to Delaware Park today. It was so beautiful out. Tonight I am going to meet with someone who replied to the call for topic writers. I am excited to see how it will work out.


Wow, this is my 1500th journal entry! I have now written 222729 words, uploaded 1613 images, 48 sounds, and 11 swfs.

06/19/2005 21:10 #32040

The new system, google, and jason
The new system of identifying journals is landing more individual entries of google. Today I was looking through the server logs and I found that someone had gotten to the site by typing tried to ask her out rejected into google. I wondering what it linked to so I tested it out

The number one result is (e:jason) 's journal [inlink]jason,145[/inlink] That is insane. Poor (e:jason) - by the way you can type a username,id into the jump.. box and go to a specific entry. For example type jason,145 into the jump... box.

06/19/2005 19:47 #32039

Family Events - At the racetracks
Last night was (e:matthew)'s mother's 50th birthday party extravaganza at their cabin. There were tons of people, food, and beer. Unfortunately, I was the designated driver. He took lots of pictures and I'm sure he'll post them when he'll get back from today.


Today, we are at the Fort Erie Race Track with my dad. He loved horse racing. (e:terry) almost won on race two, his horse was in the lead till the last second. He bet on it because it was the only horse not on drugs.



Someone annoying bitch sat next to me and kept flipping her purse onto the seats from our family when they got up. At one point she tried putting her purse on my seat while I was adjusting position. There was a seat in between us that was empty. I don't feel like a purse is a legitimate enough extension of her body, at least not enough to take up two chairs. I hate people like that. I wanted to grab her stupid purse just smack her upside the head upside the head with it. She eventually got up and moved behind us. You can prob see her in the pic of me.


(E:matthew) took lots of pictures [inlink]matthew,572[/inlink].

Don't gamble. I never liked gambling but now I really hate it. I lost my entire $20 gamble in about 6 minutes on the slot machines. It was the only time I never won even one play. Blah. Now it's time for people and horse watching - at least it's free. (e:matthew) left the casino because they wouldn't let him take pictures. I recorded lots of sounds as part of my new digitizing the world campaign.






(e:mike) and (e:terry) decided on fries - if you ever go to the tracks at Fort Erie make sure to bring your own food. First of all because their food is disgusting, second of all because it is disgusting, and most importantly because the lines are like an hour long. What kind of backwards capitalists live in Canada that they can't figure out that hour long lines equals reduced profits!!
