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06/17/2005 14:35 #32035

OS X on Dell

It seems that since Apple (Quote, Chart) decided to move its processors away from IBM's PowerPC and onto Intel (Quote, Chart), other companies might be looking for a way to get in themselves.

Michael Dell, Dell founder and chairman, told Fortune magazine Thursday he wouldn't mind adding Apple's OS to its software product list, which includes a couple flavors of Linux to go with its Windows-heavy lineup.

"If Apple decides to open the Mac OS to others, we would be happy to offer it to our customers," he said in an e-mail to the publication.Quoted from: Dell Bullish on Mac OS?

Why don't the other companies just come out with their own flavor of linux. I mean it all starts out half developed as open-source projects, just like with OS X. Similar to the lindows operating system that Walmart sells. More and more computer hardware companies should just begin to develop their own instead of creating another "windows."

06/16/2005 18:37 #32034

Blood Pressure
After a stressful day or arguing about our depressong financial outlook, we went to wegmans. Apparently, arguing and stressing out makes your blood pressure go up. Mine jumped like 20 pts to 104, lol. The result of today is that we are officially poorer than the poor with no debt but we are not moving to Nonnas house.


Here are some old pics of me and (e:mike)






06/16/2005 13:24 #32033

Watermelon Hubba Bubba Gum
Does anyone else rememer watermelon hubba bubba gum? It was so soft and chewy and green striped on the outside and yummy pink sugary goodness in the middle. I can almost taste it whlel writing this.

Apparently, they went out of business in 1994 and then returned in 2004 under wrigley's as hubba max but now it is strawberry mixed with watermelon flavor. You should check out their page it is very entertaining and interactive.


I tried their new watermelon gum log pictured below and it was disgusting. I just want the old gum back.


06/15/2005 13:55 #32032

Nonna's house - Cleanout
I am spending the day with my mother going through Nonna's stuff. I also found out the whole apartment has that really nice wooden floor under it. I think moving here wouldn't be so bad, if we could redo it a bunch.

We found lots of stuff. In fact, Nonna actually collected every ticket stub for everytime she used any type of transportation. You should see the graphic design from the travel industry in the 1960s. I would say it is even better than now. My mom wants (e:matthew) to make a nonna trnaportation themes cut out from them.

I got a blood pressure machine and a digital thermometer. No more need for a doctor. I also got my mom's old teeth.



06/15/2005 10:37 #32031

Bye Bye Dream job
I had found an amazing PHP/MySQL programmer job and had gotten to the point where it looked promising and I had an interview at the studio set up for Thursday. Then I went to look up the address and realized it was not in Buffalo but rather in Syracuse. In my excitement I somehow mixed up Franklin Street in Buffalo with Franklin Square in Syracuse!

My life is just a series of cruel job dramas. Anyone want to hire an accomplished PHP, MySQL, D/XHTML, javascript, CSS programmer and graphic designer for steady work in Buffalo?