In response to
(e:jason) [inlink]jason,159[/inlink]: Science does make many mistakes, and because we were not directly involved in the research for most of scientific discovery, it is easy to write off science as a blind faith initiaitive such as religion.
(e:matthew) and I argue with
(e:terry) about this all the time.
However, there is a problem with just writing off scientific inquiry and that is that it works much of the time. Predicition through repeated and controlled observation is often an accurate methodology. Most of our lives are dependent on technological innovations based on this scientific method, the same method used to demonstrate the theory evolution. I think it is really important, that although we teach public school children that evolution is a theory, that we also do not deny the obvious fossil record and the many expirements conducted.
There really is a difference between, god created the people 10,000 years ago on a whim and we started as little one-celled creature that turned into ourselves. I could maybe even accept that people say that at some point the cosmos was created by god because science has no explanation for the extriverse.
We also have talked about the occurance of evolution in today's world. It is dangerous to talk about because it can easily end up having hitlerian, social darwinist overtones. I think humans have used science to control evolution and that for a while now we are in a standstill of evolution because anything that would lead to extinction through natural selection is often overcome through science. This keeps gene pool pretty constant(this is pure speculation, I am not a scientist). In America there is almost nothing outside of random chance and a few terminal illnesses that prevent children from making it to breeding age. Without the natural selection of death before reproductive maturity, what is evolution.
Another issue with continued evolution is that as humans we seem to cheerish conformity, to the point that if someone is born with six fingers or some other new development, they are often cosmetically fixed to appear and function as a normal human, e.g. the sixth finger is fused or removed. Therefore, we would never have the chance to see the advantage of the extra digit play out it's influence on the reproductive capabilities of its possesor.
It is particularly important to think about these issues in the age of genetic engineering, cloning and experimentation, as we are going to be able to control evolution on a much more precise level. If we continue to block and ignore scientific inquiry in those directions, by asserting that evoltion is fiction and creating laws to stop genetic research on cloning as the right wing christian conservatives would have it, then we are going to have a situation where our children sit home and pray for a miracle to stop "evolution" while other societies create superhumans and begin the claim their position, as the next evolutionary phase. I often think that the idea of blocking evolution in school is to prevent the development of scientists interested in genetic engineering.
In our lifetimes, we will most likely see evolution from a totally different perspective, with genetic capitalism at play. Within our lifetimes the techology will exist to choose if you kid has strong legs or blond hair. In my opinion, designer babies, the avenue where evolution meets capitalism will be the biggest test of evolutionary theory to ever happen. I think at that point we will also most likely see the major fork in the road for hardcore capitalist conservatives and the christian right which right now are often united.
I for one am totally excited about this. I mean nothing else is natural any more. I am not half as excited as I am about the opportunity to become a cyborg but I am still exicted. I mean I can see how it could be horrible and that the rich and powerful will only beco
me more beautiful and healthy but I still think it is an exciting step toward controlling our destiny. If only it could be dealt with, within a more egalitarian government structure and society - it could have potential. Though maybe not even then.
I have more to say about this, but I doubt anyone will even read this far. What do you guys think. I had also talked about this before a bit here [inlink]paul,3433[/inlink].