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06/12/2005 14:06 #32025

Nonna's as it was
I have to delete some pics on my phone to make way for my dad's birthday party today. These pics are from the last time we were at Nonna's old house. I took them to remember how it was, when she was alive.







06/12/2005 12:39 #32024

Evolution vs Creationism
I am so curious how they will go about teaching creationism in all those backward schools. Their viewpoint is that evolution is just one theory among many, another being creationism. But will the creationism be taught in reference only to the jewish single man-god thing or will they also have to address other creationist myths. If they have to address multiple creationist myths, then I think teaching creationism could be useful in ending it's own believability.

According to a 2001 Gallup evolution poll on the origins of humans . . . About 45% of Americans assented to the statement that "God created man pretty much in his present form at one time within the last 10,000 years." Quoted from wikipedia article on creationism -

Kids will end up being so confused. Did they all arrive on a turtles back, did jewish man-god thing make them on a whim, are they really advanced monkeys? Maybe once this issue is conquered we can move to even more religious studies within the public school curriculum. I, for one, believe prayer is more reliable than mathematics. I mean the Pythagorean theorem is only one way to get information about a triangle and why should we limit kids to such narrow mindedness, when prayer and devine intervention are also reasonable solutions.

Here are some creationist myths

Here are some others.
jewish man god thing -
Egyptian -
Hopi -

Here is just some interesting information I found about Korea along the way.

Here is information evolution (WIKIPEDIA - evolution)

06/11/2005 21:06 #32023

East Side Garden
A friend of our friend Dave lives out near the old train station in a pretty depressed part of town. Two houses burned down behind their house some years back and the turned it into a garden. It is truly amazing.







While I was there I read this story about Nazis and radioactive toothpaste.


It led me to this page about early atomic age radioactive consumer products. All I can say is mega super cancertastic.

06/11/2005 20:14 #32022

Hiking The Zoar with Walitin
Category: hiking
We went hiking at Zoar for the day with dave. I think I am dying because my allergies and so freakin horrible, that my eyes keep watering and itching. I am having this dilema. Either Loratadine stopped working for me or walilitin (walgreen brand claritin) is not really the same as claritin. If it turns of claritin and Walitin are not the same, then I will never buy another generic product again. Worse yet if claritin stopped working for me, I can't imagine continuing to be alive.

It's like wegmans brand cranberry juice. Most of wegmans' brand is pretty good, but have you ever comapred wegmans healthy brand cranberry juice to the name brand. It is much lighter and looks watered down.

It was still nice to be outside naked.


Ladycroft and Joshua. Do you guys know each other off the site? Who knows who? I am so confused about everyones relation to each other.

06/11/2005 11:30 #32021

Rabbit On asphalt
Much of our big, wildlife-filled, field-like backyard has been paved with nasty asphalt. It is really sad to see the rabbits come by looking for the field and get really confused. This on esat in the middle of the asphalt for about 20 minutes just looking around ocnfused.

The parking lot was made much to big, you could fit several schpool busses on it.
