paulsidekick: wow this is the first time I ever chatted with you
paulsidekick: its freaky
paulsidekick: Imagine if we had this in high school
jessica_kim_ho : wooo wooo wooo scary chat
jessica_kim_ho : um paul we did
jessica_kim_ho : it was called aol
paulsidekick: no we didn't
paulsidekick: the web came out in 1995
jessica_kim_ho : yeah t6hats so insane
jessica_kim_ho : i remember
jessica_kim_ho : thats so insane the internet was just invented
jessica_kim_ho : now im so freaked out
jessica_kim_ho : soon the robots are going to come for everyne and make us work for them
At least for us it didn't exist, we didn't have any resources before that.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/08/2005 20:43 #32016
Chatting in high school?06/08/2005 17:47 #32015
Written vs Verbal CommunicationI had an interesting conversation with a person who is very adept at business level interpersonal communication, so I thought I would share it with you all.
She told me the reason that verbal communication is preferred, is that it isn't recorded like written communication. An email can be forwarded or saved forever and bite you back but a phone coversation or better yet personal meeting fades with memory.
I guess that's preety good advice but seeing as I record my whole life, nothing should ever fade till the alzheimers is so bad I lose short terms memory.
I also thought about the fact that I have (yes, unethically) recorded numerous phone conversations and face to face conversations on various digital devices and wonder if she was talking into account the increased collection of data in the era of personal digital devices.
Either way, it's something to think about. If it's questionable say it with as few digital devices near you as possible, best idea is to meet someone at a nudist colony or a have a swim meeting at the lake, lol.
She told me the reason that verbal communication is preferred, is that it isn't recorded like written communication. An email can be forwarded or saved forever and bite you back but a phone coversation or better yet personal meeting fades with memory.
I guess that's preety good advice but seeing as I record my whole life, nothing should ever fade till the alzheimers is so bad I lose short terms memory.
I also thought about the fact that I have (yes, unethically) recorded numerous phone conversations and face to face conversations on various digital devices and wonder if she was talking into account the increased collection of data in the era of personal digital devices.
Either way, it's something to think about. If it's questionable say it with as few digital devices near you as possible, best idea is to meet someone at a nudist colony or a have a swim meeting at the lake, lol.
06/08/2005 12:10 #32014
I am such a freaking loserNothing sucks more than being a loser careerwise. Maybe it really is time to split from this city although I really don't want to. I am so tired of feeling like a loser. I went to get my old job back today and it turned out something had to change because the two classes they were going to have me teach were at the same time, argh. So now I am going to end up being a lab technician while teaching the Advanced Programming class this semester.

Then I get home and they are tarring the parking area in our backyard, so everything smells like cancer.

Then I get home and they are tarring the parking area in our backyard, so everything smells like cancer.
06/07/2005 23:47 #32013
Night at the Clam BarI went to the clambar with (e:matthew) . I was looking at my journal from last June [inlink]paul,981[/inlink] and we went then too. (e:hodown) said she might make a donation to the server slush fund. I need $144.00 to get the connection setup. After that it's 104.00 per month but we already pay $59.00 for internet and $40.00 for server space, so maybe its not much more. It depends if it includes a phone number. If it does I am sold because having home access to the server will mean speed and easy development/backup.
[size=m]Twisted Takes Off[/size]
lwist: ok. gotta go. see ya in a couple weeks!
lwist: lwist signed off at 11:32 pm.
Everything (e:twisted) will be out of my life for a bit, till she is back from vacation. I am going to die or have a thesis when it's done.

[size=m]Twisted Takes Off[/size]
lwist: ok. gotta go. see ya in a couple weeks!
lwist: lwist signed off at 11:32 pm.
Everything (e:twisted) will be out of my life for a bit, till she is back from vacation. I am going to die or have a thesis when it's done.