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04/22/2005 14:46 #31864

In the Gusto and Job Interview
Well at least I made it so far as getting a job interview for the position I desire. I hope that it leads to the job. Sounds like it is time to start shopping for new clothing. Of course, the interview was scheduled for the same day as the fiveV show, which I have to participate in. Hopefully everything can be rescheduled and still work out.

The public-transphere [search]transphere[/search] project starts tomorrow. I bet it will be a crazy night of getting ready. It was featured in the gusto today. Congratulations (e:rzoo)

The reporter Anne Neville, was one of the nicest people I ever met. Below is the text from the article because I know the Buffalo News removes everything from the site after a couple days. Can you believe that a professional photographer took this picture? I mean he put us in the wind on a cold morning and expected all smiles. It was really a bad choice. You think being a pro he could have gotten a better shot. I could have gotten a better shot with the sidekick. My hair looks so messed up, I guess it is the time of year when I have to cut it all off again. I wish it would just remain sunny first. WHo am I kidding.


News Staff Reporter
Bill Wippert/Buffalo News
From left, Arzu Ozkal Telhan, Paul Visco and Jesse F. Fabian have worked together on "Public Transphere."

all names are CQ

Need a free ride?
How about a chance to discuss your experience of Buffalo life?

You're in luck. This weekend's "Public Transphere," the master's thesis project of Arzu Ozkal Telhan, a student in the University at Buffalo's Art Department, will provide both.

The white, 12-passenger van marked with the words "Public Transphere - travel around - talk about - Buffalo," will run on a 30-minute loop starting at Main and North streets and proceeding east across the Medical Campus area, north through the Fruit Belt and back. Passengers can get on and off at any stop.

James Holland, an adjunct instructor of art at UB, will drive the van, which will operate from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

On the van, "I'm like a tour guide," said Ozkal Telhan, as she looked forward to the two-day project she has worked on for almost a year. "I'll talk a little about the history of Buffalo, and then I'm hoping my announcements will trigger some discussion among the passengers."

Ozkal Telhan's project statement says: "Riders are encouraged to discuss their everyday realities, share opinions and exchange concerns about their communities."

Along with Ozkal Telhan, a native of Turkey, other UB grad students working on the project are Paul Visco, a Kenmore native and adjunct professor at Canisius College, and Jesse F. Fabian, who was born in East Otto and is a lecturer in the department of media study. Minoo Amini, a professor in UB's School of Architecture and Planning, also worked on the project.

Ozkal Telhan views the van as an "itinerant free-speech platform," much like the free-speech corners in other cities. By moving among communities divided by race and economic status, the Transphere van "directly physically integrates people from different neighborhoods," said Fabian. "This is an interesting thing - there are a lot of people who won't take public transportation because of the cultural barriers. This allows an integrative space for people from different cultures and physical areas, and maybe goes a little toward repairing the rift between the areas."

Visco is the designer of, a three-year-old "local journaling and social networking site." He has developed software that allows visitors to the project's Web site to t
rack the van. Fabian's data links will record the discussion on board and transmit it to the Web site, where it can be heard as streaming audio. Visitors to the Web site may also ask questions and make comments that will be communicated to riders.

The east-west route was chosen to link city neighborhoods that have few points of intersection. Fabian said, "Logistically, (the route) looked very simple, but culturally and politically, it was designed so there are obstacles," including the Kensington.

This weekend, look for Public Transphere, driving through those obstacles. For group reservations, call 400-6728.

04/21/2005 15:10 #31863

Great Lakes Pressed Steel
(e:rzoo) needed signs for her public transphere projects so I thought, "I know a local steel and aluminium machining factory, I could ask them." i placed an order weeks ago on the phone, and then just never heard back. I kept emailing and calling and time and time again, the boss was out of the office and know one knew about where my signs were or that they were even ordered.

Great Lakes Pressed Steel totally didn't follow through on the order, which made me look like an idiot. So much for working with local business. I guess I leanred my lesson, next time I will just order something on the internet. (e:rzoo) ended up buying plastic.

04/20/2005 03:59 #31861

More mapping
Terry and I drove down ferry from east to west at like 2am in effort to test the mapping project. We drove from the como mall to the home and it mapped the whole trip perfectly. Sorry to hear you were ill (e:southernyankee).

04/19/2005 15:30 #31860

Poetry Flyer
Here is the light up sign that jesse made for our poetry reading. I wish I could get a better pic of it. It lights up. I will get a pic of it tommorow.

04/20/2005 18:00 #31862

DJ Spooky
Tom asks the dreaded software question. Sometimes, I think he is great - sometimes. DJ spooky had lots of interesting stuff to say but also seems to really strain to tie everything to his previous degree in the philosphy. I don't know how much he had to justify everything that he was saying. He kind of talks as though he is insecure with something. Sorry to get all diana troy. This will make a great poem.

I hate listening to people asking questions to hear thmeselves speak. Especially when it takes four minutes and they have to take a dramtic deep breathe instead of a pause.

Note: Someday I would like to give a speech and tie everything to botanical metaphors. I do now wonder if remixing does cause a loss of roots.

My final thoughts: Only now is music a commodity because you package it and copy it so easily.
