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04/20/2005 18:00 #31862

DJ Spooky
Tom asks the dreaded software question. Sometimes, I think he is great - sometimes. DJ spooky had lots of interesting stuff to say but also seems to really strain to tie everything to his previous degree in the philosphy. I don't know how much he had to justify everything that he was saying. He kind of talks as though he is insecure with something. Sorry to get all diana troy. This will make a great poem.

I hate listening to people asking questions to hear thmeselves speak. Especially when it takes four minutes and they have to take a dramtic deep breathe instead of a pause.

Note: Someday I would like to give a speech and tie everything to botanical metaphors. I do now wonder if remixing does cause a loss of roots.

My final thoughts: Only now is music a commodity because you package it and copy it so easily.


04/20/2005 03:59 #31861

More mapping
Terry and I drove down ferry from east to west at like 2am in effort to test the mapping project. We drove from the como mall to the home and it mapped the whole trip perfectly. Sorry to hear you were ill (e:southernyankee).

04/19/2005 15:30 #31860

Poetry Flyer
Here is the light up sign that jesse made for our poetry reading. I wish I could get a better pic of it. It lights up. I will get a pic of it tommorow.

04/19/2005 04:55 #31859

Quoted at
What a weird day!

Paul Visco, a professor in the digital media arts program at Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y., said he worries about competition, pricing and the future of graphic design.

"It seems as though much of the recent innovation between the two software giants was brought on by healthy competition. They had an array of software packages that had the same purposes, e.g. GoLive and Dreamweaver, Illustrator and FreeHand, Photoshop and Fireworks. If there is no longer any need to compete, then they might not continue to develop new products. It will effectively create a monopoly in graphic design."

Visco also voiced concerns about pricing. "Adobe can now say $1,000 for Photoshop, and companies and designers won't have any other choice. Look at Microsoft. Once you get really big like that, nothing matters."Quoted from: Analysts: Merger Works for Adobe, But Customers May Suffer

I was really most concerned about a single toolkit approach to graphic design.

04/19/2005 04:38 #31858

Paul's Savable Google Maps
So I decided to design up the google map capture program while I was at it. This is the new interface found at


Here is the largest map I have downloaded so far. It is most of Western New York at 2560 pixels by 2560 pixels big. I want to get all of america. I was thinking it would be really easy to systematically download every tile from google maps so that you could have them for the future if something ever happend to google.


This reminds me of that one time I downloaded 80,000 corporate logos in vector format. I never did anything with them yet, but it was fun collecting.