I was trying to figure out a way to easily save out my google maps without screen shots and was using the firefox page info to try and figure out the tile names but then I decided someone must have already figured this out. I decided to search google for google map hack
(GOOGLE - google map hack) and guess what came up on the first page. A link to our very own
(e:ajay) and his site

about the formula used to get the tile names. Thanks for the formula
(e:ajay) .
I decided to adapt his formula to a PHP tool that runs off of gd in a similar way to the way he was using imagemagick with perl. I created a class called google_maps that takes some information and returns a map.
I added a little user interface and it seems to work pretty good. I will be adding a way to add waypoints and info in the near future.
The number of tiles is how big the map is. The latitude and longitude you specificy is represented by the second tile to the left from the top. I will add a you picked here spot or something when I get a chance. First I have to go finish working on
(e:rzoo) 's project. It is making me mad because I don't have all the data I want and really don't feel like collecting it as I am supposed to be doing my clothing project right now instead.
[size=m]The link[/size]
Well, if you want to save out your own maps, even gigantic ones, simply visit my page

until they take me away in handcuffs.