My name now cost me almost $40 as they insist that I was overdue in payment for the $3 domain name and that they has to add a surpluss charge of $20. Who keeps a doimain name open and just keeps charging me back dues. They should have just canceled it. That would have been the appropriate thing to do.
At every othere registrar I ever used if I didn't pay it, they would just cancel it after a time period of about 60 days. There is nothing I can do now because I want the domain name so I can tranfer it and they wouldn't give me the authorization code without paying them!
I should have never gotten that free account. Not to mention the only way I could deal with them over the transfer was via fax. That is so annoying. This site has now cost me more money that I could previously imagine having. I need a better solution soon - probably in the summer when I have more time and/or more money.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/04/2005 14:37 #31814
1and1 is the mafia04/04/2005 13:52 #31813
Busy as a beeI am just so busy still. Today I have to finish my portfolio and then apply for the Canisius job. After that I need to start working some more on fiveV.
This last month of grad school has turned into the most all-consuming part of my life. I also have to move the site to the new server. I am just waiting to get control of the domain back froim the mafia. Someday I will have a life again. Probably in may.
Elmwood is back to being sunny even if there is lots of snow on the ground now.
This last month of grad school has turned into the most all-consuming part of my life. I also have to move the site to the new server. I am just waiting to get control of the domain back froim the mafia. Someday I will have a life again. Probably in may.
Elmwood is back to being sunny even if there is lots of snow on the ground now.
04/03/2005 03:46 #31812
Sidekick PicsHere are some more pics I am offloading from my 'kick. I barely have time to keep up with my journal anymore.
(e:terry) went to las vegas so I bought my self an ipod suffle to make up for it.

I had my first mobile online shopping experience orderig a subscription to make magazine. It as both liberating and terrifying. I saw the magazine, which is by far the coolest magazine I have ever seen
but it cost $14.99 per issue, so I looked on the sidekick and found a year subscription for $34.00. I bought that too, it is nice to be able to shop online on the go.

It was hot out, now there is a half a foot of slush but here is proof that it was warm for a bunch of days. It was so nice in the sun.

(e:terry) went to las vegas so I bought my self an ipod suffle to make up for it.

I had my first mobile online shopping experience orderig a subscription to make magazine. It as both liberating and terrifying. I saw the magazine, which is by far the coolest magazine I have ever seen

It was hot out, now there is a half a foot of slush but here is proof that it was warm for a bunch of days. It was so nice in the sun.

04/02/2005 23:41 #31811
I am downMY internal services are down. I busy working on a bunch major projects and have no time for anything else until the end of april. Sorry about the inconveneience. I hope everyone can be my friend at the end. If not I will need new ones -applicatiosn are being accepted.